ICC’s Best Umpire Dharmasena
View(s):Honoured by ACUSL Sri Lanka’s ICC Elite Panel umpire Kumara Dharmasena Who was Awarded the “ICC’s best umpire 2012” was honoured by the Association of cricket umpires –Sri Lanka at its 68th Annual general Meeting on 7th October 2012.
The picture shows Nihal Pathirage the president of Association of Cricket Umpires Sri Lanka Presenting the memento to Kumara Dharmasena.
Saman Amarasinghe, H.M.N.C Dhanasinhe( past presidents), Kapila Jayalath( General secretary) ,Vajira Surasinhe (Treasurer) ,Vidura Prasad (Vice president) , and Rusiru de Silva (Exco. member) are also in the picture.
Newly elected office bearers of ACUSL for 2012/2013: President- Nihal Pathirage. General Secretary –Kapila Jayalath. Treasurer- W. V. Vajira Surasinhe. Invited Vice presidents-ARM Arooz, Shirosha Gunathilake. Vice Presidents-Vidura Prasad, R.H.S.S.K Perera, U.G Saman, Sumith Prasanna, Treasurer-W.V. Vajira Surasinhe, Assignment Secretary-Saman Hewawitharana. Assistant Secretary –J.A.K.S Indrajith, Assistant Treasure –Prasad Amarasuriya, Assistant Assignment Secretary – .D. Susil Chandrasiri. Committee Members-Rusiru de Silva, Sujith Chandana, Ranganath Prasanna, Palitha Kulatunga, Brayan Wimalasena, Deepal Surasinhe, P.M.M.A.D .Dissanayake, K.A.D.J. Wimalasena, Sisira Prabodha, Upul Wewage and Nihal Fernando.
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