Another social endeavour by H3 Foundation – A Special day-out with those who need it most
With the intention of celebrating the World’s Children’s Day, H3 Foundation- Hearts & Hands of Humanity has successfully organized a special day out with the children of Camila Special Needs School, Matthegoda. The prime idea of the events of this nature is to eradicate the deep-rooted negative ideas of human beings towards the mentally retarded community. Thereby,
they hope to make both parties feel that they are already absorbed into the mainstream of the society & they are a part of our day-today affairs. The in-house members too with maximum satisfaction & participation without any discrimination & that’s what the organizers wanted to see. The tea time was arranged by the foundation while the in-house children were given a chance to sing & dance plus providing them with the company & association with them. It was a red-letter day for everybody as the participation day was a special day allocated to parents to see their kids which falls on rare occasions. The presence of the care takers of these kids was at a considerable level & they didn’t forget to offer their gratitude to the H3 foundation.
In conclusion Mr. W. Sachinda Dulanjana in the capacity of the Director & Founder of the foundation did not forget to convey his sincere thanks to all who extended their fullest co-operation, in making this special event a success. Many a social services have planned & will be in progress in time to come with the effort of inspired young volunteers’ force of H3 Foundation; therefore enthusiastic youth activists who wish to make a positive change in our society, can also join our mission of humanity as the volunteers’ intake for year 2013 is in progress, he further added.
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