School cricket on week days or weekends?
In a bid to standardize the country’s school cricket system, Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) and the Sri Lanka Schools Cricket Association (SLSCA) implemented a new set of rules for the upcoming cricket season which requested all schools to play their inter-school matches only during weekends. Yet some schools have opted to defy this request and are still playing their matches during the week. The Sunday Times hit the streets to find out which option the public preferred: matches on the weekend or matches on weekdays.

Rafan Mannan, school cricketer from Lumbini - Players are used to managing both studies and sports. It should be mainly during weekdays but we can manage if there are weekend matches once or twice a month.

D. M. Chandrasena, parent - It should be during the weekends. Even during the weekdays they miss school work and go for practices. There should be at least a day or two to concentrate on their studies. After all, education should come first.

Dinesh Weerasinghe, coach of the Lumbini cricket team - The issue arises for schools that do not have grounds. The schools that have grounds can play even during school hours. The School Cricket Association or the Cricket Board should provide appropriate facilities.

Geeth Kumarapeli, coach - There should be matches held during the weekends but the School Cricket Association should make arrangements to start the matches early.

Hasthi Pramodhya, school cricketer - Despite a big crowd coming for weekend matches it is not the most convenient period for the players. They have to practice during the weekdays and then play during the weekends so this will hinder their studies.

Nadeeka Peiris, housewife - Most parents are busy with work during the weekdays. Therefore they won’t be able to attend the match their child is playing in.

Niroshan Dickwella (BATA-The Sunday Times Schoolboy Cricketer of the Year) - I think it is better to play matches on Friday and Saturday because during the week students have to study.

Nishantha Weerasinghe, Colts coach - I found most of the students dedicated to school cricket throughout the week, miss their studies and once out of school they are struggling to find a job. So both studies and sports should be balanced.

Shehan Muthugala, student - Matches should be held during the weekends because people are free to come out and have fun during the weekends, so there will be a large crowd at games.

Shihan Kamileen, cricketer - It should be during the weekdays. During weekends, most of the students go for tuition classes and these are their only days to rest.

Udesh Nawaratne, scorer - As a scorer I think that matches should take place during the weekdays. Most tuition classes are held during the weekends and I believe that students should give priority to their studies. Another reason is that they have to bear an extra transport cost to travel to the grounds.
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