The dress code was pink and silver and most of the audience obliged, turning up appropriately clad for ‘Let’s Hear it For the Boys’ , celebrity chef Koluu’s much-hyped burlesque show. This year Koluu’s effort was in aid of the Sunera Foundation and it was a full house at the Oak Room of the Cinnamon [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Koluu does it again!


The dress code was pink and silver and most of the audience obliged, turning up appropriately clad for ‘Let’s Hear it For the Boys’ , celebrity chef Koluu’s much-hyped burlesque show. This year Koluu’s effort was in aid of the Sunera Foundation and it was a full house at the Oak Room of the Cinnamon Grand as Koluu rolled out the entertainment.

Song and dance, extravagant costumes, an interview spot with Koluu placing Hi!! Magazine editor Shyamalee Tudawe in the hot seat, plus supporting acts from many of Koluu’s friends, Ronnie Leitch, Anushan, Danu, Lou Ching Wong and a wild cast of men and girls gave the audience another trademark Koluu show.


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