jobfactory helps young adults with disabilities find jobs
View(s):jobfactory, an HR firm, recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Leonard Cheshire Disability Livelihood Resource Centre (LCD-LRC) offering a platform for young adults with disabilities to be recruited by renowned employers through a thorough recruitment and selection process which is absolutely free of charge. Any employers who wish to offer recruitment for the young adults with disabilities can view the resumes of the registered candidates by registering with the jobfactory website.
Once registered, the employers can view all relevant information of the candidates including remarks from LCD-LRC, previous employment and interview panel comments, the recruitment agency said in a statement.
jobfactory said it is one of the newest and innovative HR Service Providers in Sri Lanka offering a range of HR services include Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO), Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Talent Supply (Recruitment, Selection and Placement), Outsourcing (Non-HR Functions), Learning and Development, HR Consultancy and Outbound / Adventure Learning.

From left - U.L. Ali Zakky, Manager Advocacy and Campaigning of LCD-LRC, Madhushan Raigamage, CEO and Principal Consultant of jobfactory and Jeevan Krishantha, National Programme - Director of LCD-LRC
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