How do the US presidential elections work?
Every four years people in the US vote for who they want to be their president. The president makes decisions about how the US is run and how it will work with other countries. He is in charge of the world’s biggest superpower. Some people say that the American president is the most powerful person [...]
Officers in charge of the ‘Dissawanis’

At that time there were ‘Dissawanis’ – named Matara, Sabaragamuwa, the Four Korales and the Seven Korales. The area from Galle-Face to the Walawe River down south, was included in the Matara dissawani. The Seven Korales included the land between Khyman’s Gate to Puttalam. The interior of the land was named the Four Korales. Half [...]
Making bread at ‘Paan Paan’
Did you ever wonder where the bread for the sandwich your mom packs everyday comes from? The First Graders of Asian International School (AIS) were curious too and they actually went to a real bakery to see how bread is made. ‘Paan Paan’ is a bakery based at 84, Lorenz Road, Bambalapitiya where different varieties [...]
Christmas Cover
Hey Kids! It is time once again to think about the Funday Times Christmas Cover. We invite our readers to send in their paintings for the Christmas Cover Competition. Entries for the Christmas Cover should be of a suitable Christmas theme. You could use any type of paints or crayons you like but try to [...]