Shoot the ball to glory
A group of Children await to get their names registered for the Basketball shoot
Moratuwa Young Men’s Christian Association successfully conducted the World Challenge-Basketball shoot organized by the World Alliance of YMCAs (WAY) through the National Council of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka (NCYSL) as part of a global celebration to tell the YMCA story to the world.
The task was mobilise five million people to shoot a Basketball on one day.
Since the game of Basketball was introduced as a sport to the world by the YMCA Movement, it has been selected for this World challenge Programme held on 13th October 2012.
Also, since this event is proposed to go into the Guinness Book of World Records as ‘The highest number of people shooting a basket ball on one day’, the shooting was recorded by Mr. Rohan Jude Perera(Moratuwa/Piliyandala District Scout Commissioner) of the International Scout Movement for onward transmission to the World Alliance of YMCAs.
Nearly 400 people from all age groups participated in the Basket ball shoot alone. People including children and youth were invited to shoot a basketball to 03 rings installed at the YMCA premises, carrying slogans “Stop Child Abuse”, “Say No to smoking” and “Care for Nature”.
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