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Asia’s first BA (Hons) Degree in Air Transport launched

Asia’s first BA (Hons) Degree in Air Transport launched

Those with a passion for the aviation industry and looking to play an important role in the world of aviation, could now get a stronger footing, following Asia’s only BA (Hons) Degree in Air Transport with Commercial Pilot Training. ‘The Aviator” Degree Programme being launched today, is a joint effort of three globally acclaimed partners, [...]

LL M. in International Studies in Intellectual Property Law

The University of West London (UWL) in partnership with ANC’s School of Postgraduate Education launched in September the first in a series of Master of Laws internal degree courses which are taught entirely here by visiting UWL Faculty and by local Faculty. The LLM in International Business and Commercial Law has already attracted over 20 [...]

Auston Institute of Management of Ceylon and Coventry University host Second Graduation Ceremony

Auston Institute of Management of Ceylon and Coventry University host Second Graduation Ceremony

Auston Institute of Management of Ceylon, a subsidiary of Auston Institute of Singapore held the convocation of the graduating students at Cinnamon Lakeside Hotel, Colombo on the 4th of November 2012. This year the Auston Institute of Management celebrated the second graduation ceremony of students from the Coventry University. The grand graduation ceremony saw more [...]

Chamika Wickremasinghe, the Emerging Interior Designer, Designs MAS Holdings’ amant� Boutiques

Chamika Wickremasinghe, the Emerging Interior Designer, Designs MAS Holdings’ amant� Boutiques

Retail Design, a dynamic sector in the sector of Interior design, is one of the most valuable services for today’s business fronts that aim to attract the correct consumers through effective brand projection. Providing expert knowledge paired with spirited, young talent in this area for Sri Lanka’s first designer lingerie brand, the interior designer Chamika [...]

How the 12month MBA at Oxford College of Business has helped shape the rapidly changing business landscape of Sri Lanka

How the 12month MBA at Oxford College of Business has helped shape the rapidly changing business landscape of Sri Lanka

There is no denying we are living in very interesting times. With a chaotic global economy, constantly evolving technology and an ever-growing population, today’s business leaders of Sri Lanka face a plethora of challenges. Yet they also have an unequalled opportunity to make an impact, not only on those in their immediate sphere but possibly [...]

The Monash University Foundation year gives you a head start after your O/Levels

If you are a parent with a child who recently completed Local O/Level examinations and you want your child to complete his/her Higher Education, you now have to determine the best choice in terms of a pathway for your child to enter university. While A/levels are a more familiar option, as parents you need to [...]

Bartleet Finance to organize an Art competition & Exhibition for Montessori students

Bartleet Finance PLC is organizing a Seminar for all the Heads of Montessori schools in Colombo Zone on November 16, 2012 at the Colombo Public Library Auditorium from 2.00pm to 5.00 pm with the participation of Wimal Sarathchandra – Director of the Pre-school Statute Implementation Unit. At this event, a Team of Professionals will be [...]

MMI Children Celebrate Halloween

MMI Children Celebrate Halloween

The children of MMI celebrated Halloween on October 31st at the school premises. It was an interesting day for the children as they partook in a variety of crafts during the first half of the day. They crafted masks, witches hats and pumpkins to get into the spirit of Halloween. During circle time, the teachers [...]

International exposure with Asia Pacific’s largest and most Global Education provider: Raffles Education Corporation

International exposure with Asia Pacific’s largest and most Global Education provider: Raffles Education Corporation

The internationally famous designers’ show,” Project Runway: Korea”- Season 4, premiered in Singapore when the production team filmed their semi-final episode at Raffles Design Institute! It was a great experience for everyone giving maximum exposure to Raffles Design Institute Singapore. If you would like to reach the pinnacle in the field of design, Raffles will [...]

The Australian Business Education Centre wins Gold for Quality Commitment

The Australian Business Education Centre wins Gold for Quality Commitment

We proudly announce to you all that The Australian Business Education Centre (Pvt) Ltd received the World Quality Commitment Award in the Gold Category. The award is recognized for commitment to Quality, Leadership, Technology and Innovation. ABEC is the first Education Consultant from Sri Lanka, to receive this award. The Business Initiative Directions (B.I.D) International [...]

MSU your university of choice

MSU your university of choice

The Management & Science University (MSU) is one of Malaysia’s top universities.� As a university of choice MSU focuses strongly in the critical areas of studies that encompass medicine, health and life sciences, nursing, pharmacy, business, management, accounting, hospitality, law, information sciences and engineering. MSU gives priority to quality education and the importance of creative [...]

BCAS Campus holds its 2012 Convocation at BMICH

Over 450 Diplomates from the BCAS Campus the proud pioneers of Edexcel, UK’s BTEC HND programmes in Sri Lanka are to be conferred Higher National Diplomas at the convocation ceremony to be held at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) on 18th April 2012. The diplomas to be awarded are for IT related disciplines, [...]

Fashion students speak of their experiences in the apparel industry

Fashion design education was formally introduced to the country by Lanka Institute of Fashion Technology (LIFT) in the year 2000, nurturing young fashion designers to communicate their talent of art and science through clothing and to focus on their future careers. LIFT continues to support their graduates in future successes. It is important for a [...]

IPM – Taking on a new role to lead the way in HR management

IPM – Taking on a new role to lead the way in HR management

Dr Ajantha Dharmasiri discusses the importance of professional accreditation, competency development and fraternity building as key new roles for the IPM. The IPM, since its inception in 1959, has played a pioneering role in the various aspects of the HR profession by providing the required knowledge, skills, and most importantly, the environment for HR professionals [...]

SAITM given green light to award medical degrees

SAITM given green light to award medical degrees

The South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) has won the legal battle to award MBBS medical degrees in Sri Lanka. The Supreme Court recently dismissed the case against the institute, paving the way for it to award medical degrees to students of its Malabe Medical College. The training will be monitored by the [...]

English changes lives

English changes lives

Tony Reilly, Country Director, British Council, speaks at the annual Council for Business with Britain ‘Project English’ Awards Ceremony, held on recently at the Ministry of Education. CBB Project English is a programme delivered by the British Council that provides distance teacher training courses to hundreds of teachers island-wide each year. “English changes lives. English [...]

Two hundred and fifteen marketers graduated

In keeping with the vision and the mission of Sri Lanka institute of marketing (SLIM) we are at the threshold of concluding another successful year. This Graduation Ceremony will be the concluding event of SLIM education calendar in 2012. This event is the fourteenth Graduation Ceremony of SLIM and took place on November 10th 2012 [...]

St. Aloysius Galle is reaching the top without any doubt

St. Aloysius Galle is reaching the top without any doubt

The school takes the pride of having one the world’s renowned scientists the late Prof. Cyril Ponnamperuma. St. Aloysius’ College�is one of the foremost boys’ schools in Southern Province of�Sri Lanka. It is situated in�Galle, the capital city of Southern Province in�Sri Lanka. St. Aloysius’ College is a National School, which provides primary and secondary [...]

Southlands glows as a prominent girl’s school

Southlands glows as a prominent girl’s school

Southlands College is a foremost girl’s school in Southern Sri Lanka, situated within the historical�Galle Fort. It was founded during the British rule in 1885. Today Southlands’ has become a centre for knowledge not only in the South but also to the whole nation. Many enthusiastic Methodist missionary principals and local principals have rendered their [...]

1st Graduation Ceremony for Buckinghamshire New University Degree Holders of ESOFT Metro Campus

1st Graduation Ceremony for Buckinghamshire New University Degree Holders of ESOFT Metro Campus

ESOFT is a trusted name in Sri Lanka for providing high quality education focusing on ICT and Business. This is due in part to the fact that ESOFT builds partnerships with reputed organisations in the education sector in order to provide the best opportunities to Sri Lankan Students. Two notable partners of ESOFT are Edexcel [...]

Transfer and Graduation ceremony 2012 of the American College of Higher Education

The American College of Higher education (ACHE) is the only education institute in Sri Lanka which offers American style education and American degrees approved by a US accreditation body. ACHE had its 18th Annual Transfer and Graduation ceremony at Cinnamon Grand hotel on the 04th of November. Chief Guest Mr. Christopher Teal, Director – Press, [...]

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