Christ Church Girls’ School Galle has gained fame, admiration

Ms. K.K.K.Kodithuwakku, The Present Principal of the College
Christ Church Girls’ School is one of the leading girls’ schools in the Southern province in Sri Lanka due to its outstanding performances. Tracing back to the days of 1888, when the school was initiated with only eight students. Today the school nurtures more than 2800 students from Grade 1 to 13 and has developed and created perfect individuals, equipped with knowledge, attitudes and skills who can face future challenges and situations with confidence.
This prestigious institution can be considered as one of the most precious gifts, given to our motherland under the British reign. Though their main intention was to propagate Christianity, they are indebted to their Rev. Father J.W. Balding and Matilda Balding, the first principal who took the initial step to start this lasting monument, known as Boarding school on June 1, 1888 with only eight girls.
After getting the services of self sacrificing British lady principals, the school was fortunate to get the valuable service of Miss Doddy V. De Silva in1940. She had the distinction of being the first Sri Lankan Principal of Christ Church Girls’ College.
In 1954 Mrs. Martha Karunarathna, an illustrious old girl of the school, took over the administration as the principal of the school. Under her virtuoso guidance of 33 years the school experienced both physical expansion as well as academic growth. This era is

The College Crest
measured as the ‘golden era’ of Christ Church Girls’ College. In 1955 the Advanced Level Arts stream was started and the Commerce stream was introduced in 1960.
In 1962 the school was taken over by the government. The first indoor stadium for badminton in the southern province was constructed in this school as a result of the untiring effort of Mrs. Martha Karunarathne. Many students came off with flying colours in badminton and the school was able to produce a triple queen in 1975.
Under the visionary guidance of Mrs. Martha Karunarathna, Christ Church Girls’ College rose to be recognized as one of the best schools in the island and was selected as the best school in the Galle District in 1972.
The school was promoted as a national school in 1996. The new auditorium was named after the most distinguished principal of the school Mrs. Martha Karunarathne.

College President’s Guides
In 2007 Ms G.D.P,K. Nanayakkara, an old girl in the Christ Church Girls’ College assumed duties as the principal. During her era Nadeesha Hansamali Epa was able to write the name of the school in golden letters by attaining All Island first place in the Arts stream at the G.C.E. Advanced Level examination in 2007. In Nanayakkara’s era the school was able to achieve many victories. Among them was taking first place at the All Island English Day drama competitions in 2006 which can be considered as a major step. Here Shaniya Niromi Gunasekara was selected as the All Island Best Actress in the senior section.
Ms. K.K.K. Kodithuwakku the present principal assumed duties in 2009. She has endeavored her level best to strengthen the standard of this prestigious institute in every sphere. As a result of her tremendous efforts the school was able to open a four storied building in the primary section. Due to her dedication and commitment the school has reached the highest standard not only in the academic section but also in almost all infrastructural facilities.
Daughters of mother Christ Church carry tribute to their alma-mater every year in screening their colours in public examinations. In 2010 the percentage of the students who qualified to follow the Advanced Level stream was 84.4%. The qualified percentage of mathematics increased up to 86.75%.
In 2011, 227 students sat for the G.C.E.O/L Examination and 166 students qualified to follow the G.C.E. Advanced Level wexamination.

College Board of prefects
The Primary section of the school plays an important role in turning out students with well balanced personalities. In 2011, 42 students passed the Grade Five Scholarship Examination. Nethmi Suhansa Maitipe was able to secure ninth place in the Galle District. 292 of their students qualified for university entrance in all streams in 2011.
The Christ Church Girls School is full of extracurricular activities such as sports, games, various societies, first aid unit, media unit, girl guides association, environmental brigades, aesthetic unit, debating team, English speaking club, etc. They annually bring not only provincial level victories but also national levels. In that series, K.J.T. Piumi bagged the All Island excellence award at the Akron Art competition and State Children’s Art Festival. W.V.N.Dilanya participated at the Asian Chess Tournament 2012 held in India.
We salute Christ Church Girls School for producing thousands of successful personalities to the nation throughout the past 124 years. She has gained fame and well being through her highly admirable performances.

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