Pre-eclampsia: Keep a close check on that blood pressure

Though easily managed, hypertension in pregnancy remains the leading cause of maternal mortality among Sri Lankan women says Dr. Nalinda Rodrigo, Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician. What goes wrong? Blood pressure checks, so routine in most obstetrician’s offices should pick up the problem, but hypertension needs to be diagnosed early and then monitored carefully for treatment [...]
Easy tests to do at home

Touch your nose to test your brain Testing your co-ordination can provide a pointer for conditions such as multiple sclerosis or even stroke. MS affects nerve cells in the cerebellum — an area of the brain responsible for depth perception, co-ordination and balance. “If damaged, our ability to control these activities deteriorates,” says Dr. Helen [...]
Getting the bigger lesson right

The moment a little one is accepted by a school at five-plus to begin his primary education, the parents are relieved. There is a sense that “everything is alright”. Parents see a bright future ahead, the path clear – primary, secondary and tertiary education, with the child emerging into society with a recognised degree, to [...]
Managing Cancer patients: Don’t leave it all to the NCI

The number of cancer patients has jumped to 20,000 last year and being the premier cancer hospital, the Maharagama Cancer Hospital (National Cancer Institute) bears the brunt of this increasing number. The overcrowding naturally has its impact primarily in the management of patients which leads to delays in treatment. Delaying treatment can be fatal to [...]
Stress: The big four

Many think that there are thousands or more causes of stress, but all the possible causes of stress that might trouble human beings can be classified into just four groups. Having discussed the definitions of stress last month, it would be useful, therefore, to look at these four groups. Over the years although I have [...]
Guzzling milk will keep you fit right through to old age

Children who regularly drink milk are physically fitter in old age, according to new research. It found elderly people who consumed the highest amounts of milk and dairy foods in childhood were able to walk faster and were much less likely to suffer problems with balance. The findings, by researchers at Bristol University, could be important [...]
Fighting filaria: The battle is almost won
The good news is that Sri Lanka is winning its war against Lymphatic Filariasis, the bad news is that undetected, high density pockets of infection may remain, especially in the North and East, areas that present the Anti-Filaria Campaign with a new challenge. “We are at the elimination stages now according to the WHO guidelines [...]
Why everybody loves medical dramas

Why are we so fascinated by medical dramas? From the high drama of Casualty and ER to the squeamish reality of Embarrassing Bodies and One Born Every Minute, it is hard to look away. Books with a medical or health theme are equally popular on best-selling lists. Without doubt, medical science is a rich source [...]
Ouch! It’s no laughing matter

Television shows and movies may portray people getting hit in the crotch as comical, but it’s a serious issue that sends thousands of men and women to emergency rooms every year, according to a study. Bicycles, personal grooming accidents and unfortunately placed furniture have all been blamed for the eye-watering injuries. The incidents can go on [...]