Coming home
Descending the steps leading to the Cinnamon Grand garden terrace is someone who is clearly a visitor. Accompanied by two Sri Lankans who are showing her the way, the person (personage, rather), dressed in a close-fitting knee-length skirt, leather top, high heels and large sunglasses, shows curiosity about her surroundings. She spots a koka hopping [...]
Letters to the Editor
Bread and circuses Rome with bread and circus-shows, Distracted citizens from their woes. Our rulers…
She brought sunshine to the lives of differently-abled children Ramya (Cargo akka) Salwatura Affectionately referred to as ‘Cargo’ from childhood, I happened to know Ramya…

Taking Sri Lanka to a nano future
Prof. Gehan Amaratunga is fond of quoting the Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke in his classes at Cambridge University: “Nobody made a greater mistake…

Painting the pangs of Partition
Among the Zoroastrians, a small community united in their faith in the God Ahura Mazda, it is traditional to adopt one’s profession as a family…
Lionel Wendt helps mould young sculptors and artists
The Lionel Wendt Memorial Fund has always been a pillar of strength for aspiring young artists, providing them…
Revelations for the season
Sri Lanka’s premier male vocal ensemble, The Revelations will herald the season with “He is Christmas” on November…
The Art of the Fugue in the tradition of the ‘Chamber Music Plus’ series
The Chamber Music Society of Colombo will present Bach’s “The Art of the Fugue”, at the Goethe Institute…

Oriental designs and sets from the past
How does one imagine what the Buddha really looked like? What were Mara’s three daughters wearing, when they…

Meemure: Stepping into the dim mists of time
There is much excitement in the sleepy little village of Meemure nestling amongst the foothills of the magnificent…
The rain dance
At the American Embassy cocktail party, Pyotr and Vasili from the Polish embassy were enjoying a drink. Pyotr,…
Spot a rock atop top tourist stop
Well, you can’t stop progress. Last year, Sri Lanka was rated by the National Geographic Channel as the…

LK: The extraordinary role he played
Lakhshman’s connection with the Inner Temple began in 1958, when he applied to be admitted as a student,…

It’s the turn of the widows to wage their war
‘Widows’ begins with a group of peasant women washing their laundry by the river, behind them an unnamed…
‘Friends of Prisoners’ Children’ to hold all-star charity concert
‘Imagine – A concert for the Children’, organised by ‘Friends of Prisoners’ Children’, will be held on November…

People and events
Green Cabin gears up for the holiday season The season’s round the corner and that old favourite, the…

Ivor Dennis to be feted at ‘Kurulu paradeesaye’
We are fortunate that there is at least one person to continue the Sunil Santha tradition in Sinhala…
FERCAP conference at Waters Edge
The Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA), the University of Colombo and the National Science Foundation have taken the…

A new look for the Narada Centre
Walk down Sarana Road off Bauddhaloka Mawatha. Passing the Otters Club, on the left one will notice a…