
Huge changes at Sri Lanka Cricket

Huge changes at Sri Lanka Cricket

=Angry minister wants Lorgat report implemented immediately
=Accuses SLC of not discussing the report that cost the board a mint

Come January Sri Lanka Cricket will have a new Chief Executive Officer who will be responsible for all matters pertaining to cricket. It is learned…

From the frying pan into the Aussie boiling pot

First of all we must make this an opportunity to…

Sunday Times E-Paper


Satellites and astronomical deals

Not surprisingly, what ought to have been an hour of great achievement and joy has been shrouded and clouded in mystery. The launch of the country’s first satellite into space on Tuesday is enveloped in controversy. The news of the launch of a satellite with the Sri Lankan national flag…



Ceylon’s first flights

Ceylon’s first flights

This month the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka (CAASL) is commemorating 100 years of aviation in Ceylon/Sri Lanka. But the first flight of an aeroplane in Ceylon…

Letters to the Editor

Attaining Buddhahood: Is gender an obstacle?� Attending a Katina puja this morning brought to mind an official visit I made to Bangkok a decade ago, during which I…


Popular but modest, HSR was a sports hero and a legend in his lifetime � �� DR. H. S. R. GOONEWARDENE When I was a lowly second grader…

An indigenous path to better health

An indigenous path to better health

Of the 15 or so indigenous rice varieties he has helped farmers cultivate, Srinath Manamperi likes the red grains of Ma Vee the best. A modest helping will…

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Sunday Times 2

Abbas heads home to hero’s welcome after UN vote on Palestine

Abbas heads home to hero’s welcome after UN vote on Palestine

RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories, Dec 1 (AFP) -Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas is due home from New York…

My Mummy the

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Under the gaze of Ganesh

Under the gaze of Ganesh

Enter Mahen Chanmugam’s house and you will find it impossible to escape the scrutiny of Lord…

Taming the wilds with his untamed images

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