The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) on Wednesday, 28th November 2012 conferred the prestigious FCA designation to 183 Chartered Accountants elevating them to the highest stratum in their professional careers at a special convocation held at the Galadari Hotel, Colombo. The new fellow members of CA Sri Lanka included top [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

CA Sri Lanka confers FCA status to 183 Chartered Accountants


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) on Wednesday, 28th November 2012 conferred the prestigious FCA designation to 183 Chartered Accountants elevating them to the highest stratum in their professional careers at a special convocation held at the Galadari Hotel, Colombo.

The new fellow members of CA Sri Lanka included top corporate leaders in the capacity of Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers and Operational Heads who were conferred the FCA (Fellow Chartered Accountant) designation in the presence of Mr. Ajit Gunawardena, Deputy Chairman of John Keells Holdings PLC who was the Chief Guest at the event.

The new fellow members were chosen based on two programmes introduced by the Institute. Members who had a proven career track record for over 15 years while continuously being a member of the Institute were granted fellowship status under the special category. While members who had completed the required Continuous Professional Development (CPD) criteria along with 5 years of post-qualified experience were granted fellowship status under the standard category.

This was the first time in the Institute’s 53 year old history that such a large number of members were conferred with FCA status at a single event which is held every year.

CA Sri Lanka President, Mr. Sujeewa Rajapakse while congratulating the new Fellow Members stressed that the increased number of Fellows mean more members were committed to enhance their professional standing.

“Today, you join an elite pool of distinguished Chartered Accountants. Your tireless dedication to be a highly sought-after professional has paid off as you are honoured with the prestigious title of FCA by CA Sri Lanka,” he said.

Mr. Rajapakse noted that the accounting profession commands impressive standing in every sector, and members are no longer restricted to mere number crunching positions, with a significant number of the 4,200 members today spearheading leading business organizations in the country.

“At least 60% of the top 50 companies listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange have a CA Sri Lanka member on their Board. This is a very proud achievement and no other profession in the country demonstrates such standing,” he noted.

“ To ensure we sustain and stand strong, commitment is required in our chosen fields, while constantly updating our knowledge and most importantly as professionals we need to adhere to ethics at all times. You have demonstrated all three requirements which is why you are honoured with a Fellow status by your prestigious Institute today,” Mr. Rajapakse noted.

In conclusion the CA Sri Lanka President encouraged the new Fellow Members to continue to demonstrate their skills to the highest levels. “ Be ambitious, but remember to always remain true to your profession and adhere to ethics so both you and your Institute can continue to be proud of your achievements,” he added.

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