A Court ruling has prohibited the Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) from carrying out any strike action until a case filed by a patient is heard and completed. �Colombo District Judge R. A. Ranaraja determined that the patient may have to seek treatment in future, and that the respondent members of the GMOA were obliged [...]


Judge rules on state doc’s strike action


A Court ruling has prohibited the Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) from carrying out any strike action until a case filed by a patient is heard and completed. �Colombo District Judge R. A. Ranaraja determined that the patient may have to seek treatment in future, and that the respondent members of the GMOA were obliged to treat her.

In her petition, Juliyana Dahanayake, a patient from Mirihana, said she was receiving treatment for respiratory illness and that the GMOA’s held trade union action on October 4, 2011 was illegal and went against medical norms and ethics. Ms. Dahanayake said Government medical officers were legally bound to provide treatment to those who sought treatment from them, and therefore the scheduled trade union action was illegal.

The GMOA maintained that the strike action they had planned was lawful, and that the law recognized the right to trade union action.The GMOA said not all doctors working in government hospitals were GMOA members.

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