IESL Uva Centre, holds AGM
View(s):The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) Uva Centre, held its Annual General Meeting��on Wednesday, 28th�Nov, 2012 at Nest Line
Holiday Resort, Badulla in the presence of a large gathering of its members, distinguished guests and special invitees. Eng. Tilak De Silva, President of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, the parent body of the Centre, was the Chief Guest.
The IESL is the premier professional body for the�engineering profession in the country. Its vision is to be among the leading
professional institutions and a Centre for Excellence and Leadership in the field of �Engineering and Technology in Asia. The IESL head office is in Colombo while the IESL Centres which are the provincial arms of the institution help extend membership services to engineers serving in their respective provinces.
The Chief Guest, Eng. Tilak De Silva, President of IESL in his speech declared that the task he has embarked on, of bringing IESL to its

Eng. S.N.B.M.Padmasiri, Chairman- IESL Centre, Uva
members using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as the predominant medium during this session would better position the Provincial Centres to be more dynamic in their membership services and of real time benefit to their membership. This would remove the distance and time barrier that exists between them, he said. Eng.S.N.B.MPadmasiri, CEng.MIE(SL), was elected as the Chairmanat this AGM and will steer the Centre during the new sessions. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Peradeniya in 1994 specialized in Mechanical Engineering and has a Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering from the Open University of Sri Lanka. He has served variously as Maintenance Engineer in the private sector, Designs Engineer at the Industrial Development Board, Assistant Works Manager at the Government Factory and as Mechanical Engineer and Bio Medical Engineer at the Uva Provincial Council.
He is currently the District Factory Inspecting Engineer – Badulla (For Badulla, Ampara and MoneragalaDistricts)
Other office bearers elected at the AGM were Eng.T.M.S.S.D. Tennekoon (NWSDB) as Secretary, Eng. N.P.Jayathilake (Dept. of Irrigation) as Joint Secretary,Eng. A.P.Rubasinhe (UPC) as Vice Chairman, Eng. ManojPriyange (CEB) as Assistant Secretary, Eng. T.M.S.P Tennekoon (CECB) as Treasurer, Eng. AmilaAmunugama (SLT) as Editor 1 and Eng.ShamindaSumanasekera (CEB) as Editor 11. Meanwhile Eng. SisilKarunananda (CEB), Eng. ChamilaSampath (SLT), Eng. Namal Santhaka (RDA), Eng. Janaka Marasinhe (CECB), Eng.Henry Dissanayake (UPCBadulla), Eng. DhammikaChandrathilake (UPC Moneragala), Eng.ThusharaDissanayake (Dept. of Irrigation), Eng.Chanaka Samudralal (CEA), Eng.R.M. Munasinghe (NWSDB), Eng. K.A.G.S Sisiwath (Lanka Sugar Co. – Pelawatte), Eng. Kamal De Silva (Lanka Sugar Co. – Sevanagala), Eng. AmilaLakmal (UPC) and Eng. NalinPerera (ICC) were elected as Committee Members.

First row left to right: Eng. Chamila Sampath, Eng. N. P. Jayathilake, Eng. S. N. B. M. Padmasiri (Chairman), Eng. Tilak De Silva (President), Eng. T. M. S. S. D. Tennakoon (Secretary), Eng. R. M. Munasinghe, Eng. T. M. S. P. Tennakoon, Eng. SisilKarunananda, .DammikaChandrathilake, , Eng. AmilaLakmal, Second row left to right: Eng. Shaminda Sumanasekara, Eng. A. P. Rubasinghe, Eng. Chanaka Samudralal, Eng. NalinPerera, Eng. Henry Dissanayake, Eng. ManojPriyanga, Eng. Kamal De Silva, Eng. Thushra Dissanayake, Eng. K. A. G. S. Sisiwath, Eng Eng. Amila Amunugama
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