The comedy play “Gabbara Minisa” (Pregnant Man) produced by actor Sriyantha Mendis will go on the boards at 6.30 p.m. at Negomho Town hall on December 10. With a host of popular actors such as Sarath Kothalawela, Wasantha Vittachchi, Malkanthi Jaysinghe. Sujeewa Priyalal, Mihiri Priyangani Kusum Renu and Sriyantha himself play in the drama music [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

‘Gabbara Minisa’ goes to Negombo


The comedy play “Gabbara Minisa” (Pregnant Man) produced by actor Sriyantha Mendis will go on the boards at 6.30 p.m. at Negomho Town hall on December 10.

With a host of popular actors such as Sarath Kothalawela, Wasantha Vittachchi, Malkanthi Jaysinghe. Sujeewa Priyalal, Mihiri Priyangani Kusum Renu and Sriyantha himself play in the drama music is handled by professional music director Anthony Surendra. This drama will be choreographed by senior lecturer Ariyarathne Kaluaarachchi. Polished with Wasantha Vittachehi’s make-up and Nipuni Mindis’s costume designs, stage lighting is done by Upali Weerasinghe, stage management by Himashi Vithanage and Sameera Hettiarachchi with the assistance of Neil Ravindra.

Stage settings by Luvolin Vandawall and “Gabbara Minisa” is an adoption of Ajith Mendis from the book written by W. S. Wijesinghe. This drama is presented and organized by Jude Srimal.

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