Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka was released from prisons on the remission of the jail sentences imposed on him and there were no other conditions or concessions, according to Presidential Secretariat documents seen by the Sunday Times. In September 2010, Mr. Fonseka was first sentenced by a military court to 30 months in jail after [...]


Jail sentence remitted but no other concessions for Fonseka


Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka was released from prisons on the remission of the jail sentences imposed on him and there were no other conditions or concessions, according to Presidential Secretariat documents seen by the Sunday Times.

In September 2010, Mr. Fonseka was first sentenced by a military court to 30 months in jail after being found guilty of violating tender procedures for the purchase of military equipment. Of this, he served 20 months.

In November 2011 he was found guilty in the ‘White Flag’ case and was sentenced to three years imprisonment. A letter from the Presidential Secretariat dated July 13, 2012 and addressed to the Registrar of the Court of Appeal simply attached another communication dated May 21, 2012. In that letter the

Presidential Secretariat said:

“This has reference to the letter No. L/P/17/11 (02) dated May 15, 2012 addressed to His Excellency the President by the Hon. Minister of Justice, on the above subject. “In terms of Article 34 of the Constitution, His Excellency the President has, on the recommendation of the Hon. Minister of Justice, granted a remission of the balance sentences imposed on Mr. Sarath Chandralal Fonseka.”

Officials said yesterday contrary to claims no other concessions were given to Mr. Fonseka at the time of his release.

Parliamentarian Tiran Alles who negotiated the release of Mr. Fonseka had claimed that other concessions would be made known later.

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