Sunday Times 2
Tea was once thought to be as harmful as whiskey
These days few things could seem more harmless than settling down for a nice restful cup of tea, or drinking the wonderful brew as a reviving tonic during a hard day at work. But pity the tea-drinkers of 19th-century Ireland where, a new study claims, the pastime was regarded as irresponsible and destructive to morals as whiskey.

Know your limits: Women who drank tea wasted their time and money, it was said, drawing them away from their duty to care for their husbands. Worse still, tea was feared to be addictive and the cause of illicit longing
Critics at the time declared that tea drinking was contributing to the stifling of Ireland’s economic growth, and claimed the habit was reckless and uncontrollable. Women who drank tea wasted their time and money, it was said, drawing them away from their duty to care for their husbands and home.
Worse still, tea was feared to be addictive and the cause of illicit longing. Some reformers even feared a cuppa could incite rebellion against English rule.
Pamphlets published in England at the time suggest that the concerns about tea drinking were also felt widely outside Ireland. Some believed it threatened the wholesome diet of British peasants and symbolised damage to the social order and hierarchies.
According to the Durham University paper published today, reformers singled out tea drinking amongst peasant women as a practice which needed to be stamped out to improve the Irish economy and society.
Author Dr Helen O’Connell, Lecturer in English Studies at Durham University, drew her findings from an analysis pamphlets and literature from that time. ‘Peasant women were condemned for putting their feet up with a cup of tea when they should be getting a hearty evening meal ready for their hard-working husbands,’ she said.
‘The reformers, who were middle to upper-class, were trying to get the peasant women to change their ways, albeit in a somewhat patronising way, for the greater good of the country. ’The reformers made it clear they saw tea drinking as reckless and uncontrollable.’
Reformers distributed pamphlets to peasant households lambasting tea drinking as a luxury poor women could not afford and which could even cause addiction, illicit longing and revolutionary sympathies.
It was also said that tea drinking could even be akin to being a member of a secret society, a belief which heightened political anxieties at a time of rebellion against the Union of Britain and Ireland.
English reformers were equally worried about sugar – tea was always sweetened then – and its connotations with slavery and the controversial plantations of the West Indies.
‘The prospect of poor peasant women squandering already scarce resources on fashionable commodities such as tea was a worry but it also implied that drinking tea could even express a form of revolutionary feminism for these women,’ Dr O’Connell said. ‘If that wasn’t enough, there were also supposedly drug-like qualities of tea, an exotic substance from China, which was understood to become addictive over time.
‘It is unsurprising that tea consumption would generate considerable anxiety in Ireland in this period.’
One pamphlet in 1811 by reformer and writer Mary Leadbeater tells the story of two female friends.
Rose warns her friend Nancy that ‘must not every poor man’s wife work in and out of doors, and do all she can to help her husband? And do you think you can afford tea, on thirteen pence a day?
‘Put that out of your head entirely, Nancy; give up the tea for good and all.’
The research, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, was published today in the academic journal Literature and History.
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