The annual MTI CEO Business Outlook Survey results will be released on Tuesday, January 1 in an exercise in which over 150 Sri Lankan CEOs (covering multiple sectors and sizes) took part “The survey covers CEO opinion on business environment in 2012, their perception of how the global and Sri Lankan economy will shape up, expectations [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

MTI Business Outlook Survey on Jan 1


The annual MTI CEO Business Outlook Survey results will be released on Tuesday, January 1 in an exercise in which over 150 Sri Lankan CEOs (covering multiple sectors and sizes) took part “The survey covers CEO opinion on business environment in 2012, their perception of how the global and Sri Lankan economy will shape up, expectations for their own businesses in 2013 and what they see as the main challenge for the Sri Lankan economy and their own businesses,” MTI Consulting said in a statement. The company says it has been at the forefront of thought leadership research on business strategy, which has resulted in industry surveys, papers at international conferences and new business models / methodologies.

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