Into the devil’s lair

Young Sri Lankan chef Shanil De Mel recounts his experience in Gordon Ramsay’s kitchen By Duvindi Illankoon Shanil De Mel jumped out of a boiling pot and into the frying pan-quite literally. Falling ill right before his biggest educational hurdle-the Advanced Level examination and was devastated when he couldn’t sit for it. An impatient Shanil, [...]
Weekend reads
Delirium by Lauren Oliver If they found a cure for love, would you take it? Love used to be a good thing, until we realised that once the deliria blooms in your blood, it claims you utterly. There’s no escape. Seventeen year old Lena Holoway is just months away from being permanently cured by the [...]
The best day of the year
Some days mean more than others. As we bid goodbye to 2012, the Mirror Magazine looks back on the year that was through the eyes of readers and those whom we’ve featured in our pages. Read on to learn more about their most memorable day of 2012. Saturday, January 21 was the best day of [...]