TENNIS: All important “court”
View(s):Why the word “court”? Earlier only the “Royal Court” indulged in sport. Much later, when the game reached the public, the word

A girl from Serbia, Anna Ivanovic, registered a phenomenal success winning Australian open a few years ago. A study revealed that her Tennis courts were just a “walking distance” away from home.
“Royal” was dropped and “Court” remained.
Where is your Tennis court? This could decide your success. A girl from Serbia [former Yugoslavia] registered a phenomenal success winning Australian open a few years ago. It was Anna Ivanovic. A study revealed that her Tennis courts were just a “walking distance” away from home. Not her technique, physique, mental or for that matter, a coach was the primary reason! Proximity of the court was the reason. Anna is still in the top 10 of the world. Access to Tennis courts, can decide your success.
Clubs, were the court providers – The British introduced Tennis to Ceylon. The Kandy Garden Club, Pettah Tennis club and the Fort Tennis club were the oldest in Sri Lanka, some older than the first Wimbledon. At the time of independence, Ceylon, with a population of about five million, had close to 120 Tennis clubs with more than 300 courts. The first Sports Minister, late Hon. V.A. Sugathadasa, the then President of the Ceylon Lawn Tennis Association said this to my father in the 1960s.
Colombo club courts
I have seen Late P.E. Perera and late Mark Bostock take keen interest to maintain Tennis courts in Colombo. Their visiting time was 6 am! They would go to every court in the club with the “Kanghani” [grounds man] very regularly. There were many like them responsible for the growth of tennis.
Provincial Club courts
Many families took keen interest to promote Tennis courts and club event. The Amerasinghe family in Matale, Selvadurais in Jaffna, Josephs in Mannar, De Silvas and others in Negombo, Mothas in Matara, Sangakkara and others in Kandy, Tony Whitham, Dr. Angie, Dinky Fonseka in Bandarawela, Dr. Sivagnanam, Dr. Eric Aiyadurai in Badulla and Trincomalee had the Preasoodys. All worked very hard and what did it achieve?
We were 3rd best in Asia. India was number one; Japan was two we were joint three, with the Philippines. “Good Tennis” came from courts maintained by clubs. Unfortunately we are not an elite Tennis nation in Asia anymore.
Maintaining Courts
Tennis clubs have been the “service providers” of the game for over 100 years. Some a formula has to be found to make club systems strong again. Schools do it to a lesser degree. Our recent history did not help Tennis. “Winds of change” is in the air and we may have to add other service providers soon. Greater emphasis must go into the recognition of the clubs the “Service provider”. Courts are expensive to make. The loss is too great, if neglected.
Best sponsors of Tennis
Among us there are members who have paid Tennis club subscription for over 50 years. They are the best sponsors of Tennis. There is a tendency to push club members to second class citizen status. Please do not let it happen. It happens when clubs sell facilities to non member use. This is the reason behind meager membership strength of clubs. Clubs must revert back to make membership service the priority. Make membership attractive. I will devote a column for this later with successful models I have seen overseas. I strongly feel that this has the best potential to turn things around. Why neglect a system that has done well for over 100 years?
We need courts! Why do I say this? In my last attempt, I was struggling to count 80 good courts in the entire island. With our population we need 1000 courts. Not for events, not to coach but for the people to “play the game called Tennis”. Other challenges to Tennis
Natural conditions of heat, light and rain are major challenges to promote Tennis. There are working models to over-come these. Architects have solved these problems in other countries. We need their input now. I will touch on this later.
Tennis as an individual sport
The first Wimbledon championships income was to make to repair a broken court roller. Income was 19 pounds. Spencer Gore won the title with a ‘Serve and Volley’ game. Subsequent years were dominated by Renshaw brothers. In 2012 Wimbledon income was around 30 million pounds. Have you heard of the Tennis Grand Slam fund? All four Grand Slams contribute to this and is a global model for Tennis promotion.
Tennis as a team sport
Tennis enthusiast Dwight Davis an American diplomat presented Davis Cup in memory of his mother for England vs USA tie. These two countries championships were the original Grand Slams. Then France and Australia also won Davis Cup. Today we have 4 Grand Slams in the world by the first four countries to win the Davis cup. What about the other countries? Sorry, the membership is closed! Vietnam, a former French colony had the highest number of Tennis Clubs in Asia. Davis Cup team event made countries interested in Tennis.
Professionals, Executives & Public service made Tennis ‘big’ in Sri Lanka. Its appeal to them was the “regular participatory nature”. ‘Sport’ of the government servants, was Tennis’. Tennis can be played at any level and is a “High intensity interval sport”. An hour will have about 25 minutes of action with around 60 rallies. This ratio is considered the best for health. It is like doing 50 to 70 meter soft sprints in one hour with intervals. Exactly what the doctor ordered!
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