IPM: LEADER in the study of all facets of Human Resource Development.
View(s):Studying notes and cramming text books before the O/L Examination or for that matter even A/Ls are something that all school- goers in the past and present have experienced! Indeed such experiences have been defining moments in our lives as the’ Ordinary Level’ and ‘Advanced Level’ will be the first public examinations that any teenager goes through.

Whilst competitive exams are necessary, let us ponder awhile and look at the whole subject of education objectively; one could then say and indeed realise that the basic purpose of education is to create and develop a better human being who will in turn help to build a better and wiser world.
So ‘cramming’ or memorizing definitions and ‘important study notes’ alone would not create and develop a better human being who will in turn help to build a better and wiser world! Period!
The first step towards being a better human being is to acknowledge that he or she is ignorant about many subjects! One should realize that age-old VALUES such as always speaking the TRUTH, and being HONEST in all our dealings; about being FAIR to all, CARING for each other and showing RESPECT to people around; INTEGRITY in all our dealings, having FAITH and PATIENCE in systems and families and teams; above all the supreme value of all: LOVE are more important than any ‘study notes’!
Permit me to give you a short Course in value-based Human Relations:
The LEAST important word: I
The MOST important word: We
The TWO most important words: Thank You
The THREE most important words: All is forgiven
The FOUR most important words: What is your opinion?
The FIVE most important words: You did a good job
The SIX most important words: I want to understand you better
The subject of Human Resource Development [HRD] required for anyone who aspires to be a Human Resource Manager [HRM] is now accepted as the common denominator for ANY business, trade, job or vocation that deals with fellow human beings! Towards this end, look no further as the HR House of Sri Lanka under the noble and well-known acronym IPM [Institute of Personnel Management, Sri Lanka] is acknowledged as the country’s LEADER in the study of all facets of Human Resource Development.
So when one enters the portals of the IPM and registers for the numerous courses, namely the short term PCGD [Program in Career Guidance and Development]; FCHRM [Foundation Course in Human Resource Management]; CCHRM [Certificate Course in Human Resource Management]; to the two year duration PQHRM [Professional Qualification in Human Resource Management] to of course higher studies either in Sri Lanka – such as the MBA with the Open University and/or UK’s Northumbria University for instance, paves the way for any student to find his or her niche in the world, out there!
Let me take this opportunity of wishing each and every one of you, dear students and readers of this magazine, all the very best in whatever your endeavours. Believe in yourself – you CAN do it! DYAN SENEVIRATNE, CEO/IPM
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