MAS Fabric Park shows the way in environment preservation
View(s):By Quintus Perera
THULHIRIYA – What grips and torments the world today is the devastating impact on the environment by industrialisation – discharge of affluent water, waste and carbon emission, etc.

View of the Park
In this midst is a massive, single entity private sector operated industrial complex “MAS Fabric Park (MFP)” on 165 acres at Thulhiriya, near Ambepussa at the Kandy road turn-off the Kurunegala which contributes more to the environment than what they receive from it compared to other industrial complexes. The complex is fully owned by MAS Investments, which forms part of MAS Holdings.
While the complex successfully manages its waste disposal, it uses various environmental friendly mechanisms saving water and energy in a big way that enhances its profits while the world is richer in preserving environment.
Officials of the MFP were proud and satisfied at their performances and as a result of their achievements, received ISO 14001 certification awarded for environmental management systems, making it a trailblazer for industrial zones in the country.
To mark the celebrations, MAS took a group of media personnel to the industrial park at Thulhiriya on a tour of the complex and showed – the meticulous operation of the complex, particularly the waste management and energy, water and other resource conservations.
Revelations made by Misver Deane, Director, MFP in an interview to the Business Times (BT) at the site showed that in addition to the contributions to the environment in which they are located in they are also making giant strides in environment benefits for people living in several villages around the complex.
Mr Deane told the BT that the complex is operated with around 3,000 hands and that more opportunities are offered to the youth of these villages. He said that they are finalizing another US$17 million project to be set up in the park and then the worforce would be increased to 5,000.
The myth that generally local youth are confined only to lower grade jobs is not so at MFP. Mr Deane indicated that there are instances where those who are recruited down the line reached middle or higher management grades, providing they are talented and determined to rise. The interview revealed that this is one industrial complex which believes that greater heights of development and more profits could be accrued by extending whatever services and facilities to the community among whom they continue their business, and their harmonious blending with the local community would in turn give them rich rewards.
Mr Deane told BT that they are helping a large number of backward schools around the complex and also outside their business boundary. The MFP has set up a ‘ Osu Gammana’, a herbal plant village – the first such to be housed within an industrial zone, as a supply base for local medicinal needs.
The ISO certification follows diverse efforts by the park to enhance its environmental performance and management system. Commenting on the certification, Mr Deane stated that this is a key milestone in a systematic and long-term approach to building an environmentally responsible business.
He said, “We remain committed to providing competitive and resource-efficient solutions to our customers at the park while facilitating a sustainable path for their businesses”. The certification initiative which was led by Harsha Deraniyagala Senior Manager-Hydro and Environment has further strengthened the zone’s capacity to streamline its environmental processes and account for its environmental performance.
Tenisen Arachchilage, Director, Engineering, MFP said that they minimize pollution and have invested in a biomass-powered-boiler for its steam supply to customers which resulted in a substantial saving s of heavy furnace oil. It also incinerated industrial sludge ensuring disposal of sludge waste within the zone.
The MFP Eco Centre started in April 2012 in collaboration with Green Keepers Pvt. Ltd to support a zero-burn and zero-landfill policy. It facilitates integrated waste solution that takes in all non-biological and non-hazardous waste.
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