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Judiciary silenced; a dark chapter in Sri Lanka’s history

= Two CJs now: Shirani claims she still holds office but heavy force used to prevent her from entering court premises = UNHRC chief issues scathing attack, Canada initiates moves that may get Lanka suspended from Commonwealth By Our Political Editor Clad in a purple blouse and black pants, Shirani Bandaranayake, who maintains she is [...]
5th Column
She fought while others fled

My Dear Madam, I thought I must write to you after the events of this week, when you had to leave your job under difficult and questionable circumstances-and someone else was appointed to take your place even though everyone knew that what was happening was not right. Madam, we do not know whether you are [...]
Talk at the Cafe Spectator
Rizana’s execution: Ministry secretary beheads the truth

Double talk or double speak in diplomatic circles is nothing new. There are occasions when diplomats do that. They say to lie for their country is part of their job. However, when the numero uno does it, it raises eyebrows. Here is an example. External Affairs Ministry Secretary, Karunatilleke Amunugama told the Sunday Times last week [...]
Focus on Rights
The disappearance of a system of law
With the dust uneasily settling over a legal community thuggishly coerced into fuming silence, an unjustly ousted Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake may yet be proud. Disastrous steps in a dictatorial journey Despite overwhelming odds, she succeeded in uniting a deeply divided Bar, rallying judges to her side, provoking strongly worded editorials and unexpected protests from [...]
The Economic Analysis
Shortfall in foreign investment and further setbacks

A higher amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) of the right type is required to achieve higher sustained economic growth. One of the serious post war failures has been the inadequate inflow of FDI. Expectations that the end of the war and advent of peace would usher in large amounts of foreign investments that would [...]
From the sidelines
Rizana: Aftermath betrays Government’s doublespeak
From the sidelines By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya The disturbing episode of the beheading of Sri Lankan maid Rizana Nafeek in Saudi Arabia, over an incredible charge of murdering an infant, has led to a multiplicity of statements from government representatives. While utterances from officialdom seem to be part of a damage control exercise, the intense media focus [...]