Agent of sustainable change
Husni Mohammed went from from knowing very little about the diplomatic world to participating in UN conferences. Here, he tells the Mirror Magazine about his experience By Shaveen Jeewandara A few years ago Husni Mohamed’s would look up and eagerly gaze at the regal United Nations compound at Thummulla as he passed it everyday in [...]
Turning your smartphone into a watchdog
How safe do you feel? Being able to contact friends and family for help in an emergency could make a huge difference to your confidence when venturing out alone – it could also help you survive a threatening encounter or a medical emergency. While some of these apps were designed for women only, others recognize [...]
The shutterbug experience

For the young photographers at The Revolution Portfolio it’s all about learning on the job By Duvindi Illankoon The Revolution Portfolio is the photographic equivalent of Abraham Lincoln’s famous catchphrase; by young photographers, of young photographers and for young photographers, the organisation was set up just a year ago by a group of teenagers bitten [...]
Moving in a new direction

Contemporary dance performer and choreographer Janet Lilly, says that teaching was always the next logical step in her career As a performer, choreographer and teacher of contemporary dance, Janet Lilly can trace the love she has for her art form back to her mother. “My mother grew up in Southern California in the 1930’s,” says [...]
Highlighting issues through video
As a socially conscious young filmmaker Azahn Munas uses this powerful medium to highlight good causes For 19 year old Azahn Munas film making is a passion. Having moved with his family to Australia when he was a pre-teen. His love affair with filmmaking began when he was gifted a video camera by his parents. [...]