Bye-bye to varicose veins with little pain

You no longer need to get “cut up” to treat this vascular disease, says Consultant Vascular and Transplant Surgeon, Dr. Daminda Rajamantri who discusses the convenience of laser treatment with Kumudini Hettiarachchi It creeps up suddenly and by the time the symptoms appear, it is often very late. Varicose veins don’t cause symptoms that are noticeable, [...]
Cover your mouth when you cough
Your mother’s plea to cover your mouth when you cough was sound medical advice, says the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency suggests how to prevent the spread of germs: When you sneeze or cough, use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth. Always throw your used tissue in the trash. [...]
Know your own body
This is the best way to be alert to any sudden changes that could indicate the beginnings of some cancer, says Consultant Oncologist Dr. Prasad Abeysinghe, who warns against over-testing By Smriti Daniel A burgeoning cancer will sometimes leave traces of its presence in your body – dramatic changes in your weight or how your [...]
‘It’s time for your medicine!’

Director of Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children Dr. Rathnasiri A. Hewage, discusses the role carers, doctors and pharmacists should play when treating children Medicine should be given to children only when it is necessary, and in all cases the potential benefit of administering the medicine should be considered in relation to the risk involved. Discuss [...]
Emergency at home: What do you do?
Here’s your guide of do’s and don’ts, compiled by Dr. Steve Cockeram with Smriti Daniel It could be a stranger or a member of your family but the chances are that at some time in your life you will be a witness to a health emergency. “A loved-one, a work colleague or a complete stranger [...]
Giving the little ones a new liver, a new life

It was a special day in Colombo recently when the parents of children, who have undergone liver transplants, gathered to show their gratitude to the team of doctors from the Liver Transplant and Hepato-biliary (HPB) Surgery Section of the Global Hospitals Group in India, headed by Prof. Mohamed Rela By Kumudini Hettiarachchi It is celebration [...]
Are your bored? Read on
By Peta Bee When our lives are filled with routines and monotonous meetings, we can all fall victim to the effects of boredom. But is boredom necessarily a bad thing? Last week, psychologists reported that staring into space at work can have a positive effect on creativity by giving the mind a chance to wander. [...]
‘Pear-shaped’ as bad as ‘apple-shaped’
By Claire Bates People who are ‘apple-shaped’ – with fat concentrated around their middles – have long been thought to be at greater risk from heart disease and diabetes than their ‘pear-shaped’ peers. But now researchers say the protective effect of carrying weight in the hips, thighs and bum is probably a myth. A team [...]
Face the loss and move on

Coping with stress – Part 1 by Dr. Raveen Hanwella In my first two articles I discussed the definition and causes of stress. I will now look at some ways of coping with it. If you remember, I said there were four basic causes of stress: loss, role change, conflict or dilemmas and human relationships. [...]