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International battle ahead; possible questions from Commonwealth

= Independent media barred from ceremonial sitting to welcome CJ 44, witch-hunt of CJ 43 continues = Cabinet reshuffle likely tomorrow, PM to continue, President furious over senior minister’s remarks on PM successor = Army Board issues report, contradicting LLRC recommendations; new National Oil Company to handle exploration and production By Our Political Editor Armed [...]
House plays usual blame game over Rizana Nafeek’s execution
Mission impossible, almost, to safeguard our migrant workers’ rights in an alien society: Govt. By Chandani Kirinde, Our Lobby Correspondent A Parliamentary debate on the fallout caused by the beheading of Rizana Nafeek in Saudi Arabia, led to the usual finger-pointing among political adversaries, but it also highlighted the numerous problems that Sri Lanka’s women [...]
Talk at the Cafe Spectator
After Rizana, Govt. wants ambassador’s head

At last officials in the External Affairs Ministry have galvanised themselves into some action. They are sharpening their blunt swords to seek an explanation from Ahmed Aflal Jawad, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. They want to know why he disobeyed a Presidential directive, issued on January 10, to return to Colombo with “immediate effect”. [...]
5th Column
Delivering false justice

My Dear Peera, I thought I must write to you when I heard that you had got a new job. In a day and age where it is difficult for even young people to find work, you have landed a top position-with a house and car to go with it-so you are a lucky, lucky [...]
The Economic Analysis
Sustaining economic growth in South Asia and Sri Lanka

The latest World Bank report on South Asia expects the economies of the South Asian region to pick up in 2013. It expects the South Asian regional GDP growth to rise to 5.7 per cent in 2013 and improve to 6.7 per cent in 2015. This expectation is based on gradual improvement in global demand [...]
From the sidelines
Indo-SL Joint Commission and ‘tea and biscuits diplomacy’ in the Palk Strait
From the sidelines By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya In a somewhat unusual news item on Thursday, India’s ‘Business Standard’ said that Sri Lankan Navy personnel had offered ‘biscuits and tea to Indian fishermen near Katchchaitivu.’ When the navy boats surrounded them the fishermen had initially thought they were going to be beaten up, the report said. They were [...]