Experience a Flight Simulator at the ‘Aviator’ Stand at EDEX 2013
View(s):Those with a passion for the aviation industry and looking to play an important role in the world of aviation, could now get a stronger footing, following the launch of Asia’s only BA (Hons) Degree in Air Transport with Commercial Pilot Training.

The Flight Simulator that will be exhibited at EDEX
‘The Aviator’ Degree Programme that is to commence in 2013, is a joint effort of three globally acclaimed partners, with Buckinghamshire New University UK academic course modules delivered through Gateway Graduate School as facilitator, and Skyline Aviation (Pvt) Ltd delivering the ground school and flight training facilities.
The 3-year full-time B.A. (Hons) Degree course (consisting of 6 semesters) in Air Transport that initially produces commercial pilots, gives an added academic qualification of a Degree that will enhance the portfolio to progress into command and management roles.
Beginners with 6 passes in the GCE Ordinary Level examination with minimum credit passes for English Language and Mathematics are eligible to apply for the Degree. Those who have already obtained a Private Pilot License (PPL) can secure credit for it and complete the frozen ATPL and the Degree. If you are a Commercial Pilot with two or more years of experience, a one year top-up Degree opportunity will be offered.
The advantage of the ‘Aviator’ programme is that, students could obtain both a Degree and a frozen ATPL at a lower cost through this study programme than obtaining them separately. Students will be able to complete the entire Degree in Sri Lanka, thus making further savings on high living costs abroad. Whilst there will be proper instructional sessions, certain theoretical sessions of the course will be delivered via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) enabling students to complete the Degree without having to travel anywhere else in the world.
Your passion for flying can become an instant reality when you step into the cockpit of the Model Simulator (working model of an aircraft) designed and constructed exclusively by Skyline Aeronautical Engineering Training Academy for the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka. This innovation, a first in the history of Civil Aviation in our country, was first displayed at the ‘DEYATA KIRULA’ exhibition in Anuradhapura in February 2012. It will now be on display at the ‘Aviator’ stall located within the Gateway stand at the EDEX exhibition which is scheduled from 18th to 20th January 2013, at BMICH.
For further details please call Varuni on 0772256356 / 0112593213 or visit Gateway Graduate School at 26, McLeod Road, (bordering Duplication Road) Bambalapitiya.
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