Let’s go bananas for dessert!
They’re three of a kind, but which is the best? Our column has us traipsing across Colombo in pursuit of our favourite things. We’re talking food and drink, massages and clothes, essential services and places to party: there’s nothing we won’t have an opinion on. We’d like to hear from you: what would you like [...]
Calmed by art
For Charith Weerasena painting is almost a form of meditation. “It calms my mind and relaxes it,” says the 34-year-old artist who has lived with health problems since he was young. As a child, his family remembers his teachers commending his drawings and pointing out his expert eye for colour. Charith himself says he first [...]
Tintagel do for 18th b’day
It was a happy gathering when Ashen Joseph celebrated his 18th birthday with a party at Tintagel for friends and family hosted by his parents Noel and Reena Joseph. The band Thriloka provided the music.
Revelations back with Hearts in Concert
A stripped back, bare essentials entertainment act, is hard to come by today. Yet, leading male choral group the Revelations have had the courage to bring their talent alone to the stage. The cumulative force of their voices can challenge an orchestra that is at full strength. To command an audience with voices alone is [...]