The innocent 10-year-old literary heroine, Anne of Green Gables, seems to have had a sexy make-over – much to the horror of her biggest fans. Ditching her famous red hair, a new copy of the classic book, written by Lucy Maud Montgomery, features a blonde 20-something woman running her hands through her hair with slightly [...]

Sunday Times 2

Readers horrified at Anne of Green Gables’ sexy make-over


The innocent 10-year-old literary heroine, Anne of Green Gables, seems to have had a sexy make-over – much to the horror of her biggest fans.

Unrecognisable: A new copy of the classic book features a blonde 20-something woman

Ditching her famous red hair, a new copy of the classic book, written by Lucy Maud Montgomery, features a blonde 20-something woman running her hands through her hair with slightly pouting lips.

The new cover is getting backlash for featuring the attractive young woman instead of a red headed child.

The book, available on Amazon, was released in November by a self-publisher and

The original: Customers have expressed outrage towards the new cover, which is a far from the original featuring a 10-year-old girl with red hair

features a three-in-one set: Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, and Anne of The Island.

Customers have expressed outrage towards the new cover, which is a far from the original that featured a young, red headed girl.

One customer wrote in their review of the book on ‘The “Updated” cover of this product is terrible. First of all, Anne has red hair. RED HAIR. It’s a key part of her character and is a strong influence on her words and actions.

Secondly, Anne is 10 at the start of the series. What is up with the bedroom eyes? Did they just do a Google image search for Sexy Farmgirl? Does anyone publishing this book have any idea of what the stories are actually about?’

Another offended reviewer wrote: ‘This is nuts, offensive even. That cover image has to be a joke. Anne is a redhead and everyone knows that (or so I thought).’

Interestingly, in the story, depicted in the Anne of Green Gables 1985 film directed by Kevin Sullivan, Anne tries to dye her hair blonde. However she is wildly unsuccessful, and her hair turns green from the bleach.

One book-lover, who wanted to buy the book for her daughter, commented: ‘I am outraged by this new cover of a beloved series!!!
‘Obviously the series deserves 5 stars, but the complete and utter disregard with which the publisher chose this picture show that they did not even bother reading the summary of the book they published! At the start of the series Anne is young, oh yeah and has RED hair!!!!!!’
� Daily Mail, London

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