Pan Asia Bank launched its latest CSR initiative in the Hill capital Kandy at Oak Ray Regence Hotel in order to educate the SME sector in handling their finances. This program was conducted by eminent Banker Sarath Dias Bandaranayake and was patronized by a large number of SME customers from the branches in the Kandy [...]


PanAsia Bank launches SME workshops island wide


Pan Asia Bank launched its latest CSR initiative in the Hill capital Kandy at Oak Ray Regence Hotel in order to educate the SME sector in handling their finances. This program was conducted by eminent Banker Sarath Dias Bandaranayake and was patronized by a large number of SME customers from the branches in the Kandy area along with the senior management of the Bank. The work shopfocused on the importance of cash flow management and the various types of banking facilities that suit different scenarios. PanAsia Bankexpects to take this initiative to all regions considering the success of this program.

Lighting of the Oil lamp by Assistant General Manager Branch Operations & Credit -Naleen Edirisinghealong with the facilitator Mr.Sarath Dias Bandaranayake, Area ManagerMr. Takura Abeysinghe and customers

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