‘Escape from Planet Earth’ animated movie on an alien attack on the planet is now being screened at Savoy cinema Wellawatte.  Directed by Cal Brunker the film unravel how Astronaut Scorch Supernova finds himself caught in a trap when he responds to an SOS from a notoriously dangerous alien planet. On the planet Baab, admired [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

‘Escape from Planet’; A Hero’s Blunder


‘Escape from Planet Earth’ animated movie on an alien attack on the planet is now being screened at Savoy cinema Wellawatte.  Directed by Cal Brunker the film unravel how Astronaut Scorch Supernova finds himself caught in a trap when he responds to an SOS from a notoriously dangerous alien planet.

On the planet Baab, admired astronaut Scorch Supernova is a national hero to the blue alien population. A master of daring rescues, Scorch pulls off astonishing feats with the quiet aid of his nerdy, by-the-rules brother, Gary, head of mission control at BASA. When BASA’s no-nonsense chief Lena informs the brothers of an SOS from a notoriously dangerous planet, Scorch rejects Gary’s warnings and bounds off for yet another exciting mission.

But when Scorch finds himself caught in a fiendish trap set by the evil Shanker, it’s up to scrawny, risk-adverse Gary to do the real rescuing. As the interplanetary stakes rise to new heights, Gary is left to save his brother, his planet, his beloved wife Kira and their adventure hungry son Kip.

The film plays Rob Corddry, Brendan Fraser, Jessica Alba, Sarah Jessica Parker, William Shatner and Craig Robinson. Produced by Rainmaker Entertainment, and The film is scheduled to be released on February 15, 2013. This will be the first Rainmaker Entertainment film theatrically released.

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