Funday Times
Colombo District Girl Guides celebrate World Thinking Day 2013

Each year the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts select a World Thinking Day theme. This year’s theme: “Together we can save children’s lives” and “Every mother’s life and health is precious,” which are based on the Millennium Development Goals of reducing child mortality and improving maternal health. The Colombo District Girl Guide Commissioner [...]
Funday Times
Kids’ World
My favourite wild animal My favourite wild animal is the lion. It is golden yellow in colour. The lion has four legs, a long tail and a mane around his neck. He belongs to the Cat family. The lion is a carnivore. It likes to eat deer and zebras. Lions live in jungles in Asia [...]
Funday Times
Eastern Diamond Back Rattlesnake

Animal Profile: What’s an eastern diamond back rattlesnake? The largest venomous snake in North America, this one is also the largest of the 36 known types of rattlesnakes. The eastern diamond back is named for the pattern of yellow-bordered, light-centred black diamonds that cover its body. When threatened, the rattlers shake their rattles in warning. Rattles are [...]
Funday Times
Win! Win! Win! Super books from Vijitha Yapa Bookshop
The Pied Piper of Hamelin (The Reading Ladder – Read Alone series) How much would you pay to have your town cleared of rats? In Hamlin, the rats are everywhere, they’re eating all the food, running riot on the street and terrorizing the people. When the Pied Piper steps into town, the citizens are happy [...]