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Tackling injuries

Tackling injuries

With the big match season in full swing Consultant Rheumatologist Dr. Harindu Wijesinghe discusses player-safety By Kumudini Hettiarachchi It’s that time of year when schools battle each other on the sports field – with an emphasis on wielding the willow or attempting to secure the ball in a scrum. There are also the sports meets [...]


Death, why does it scare us so

Death,  why does it scare us so

Dr. Raveen Hanwella draws from existential psychotherapy to deal with this reality of life I will again interrupt my discussion on ways of coping with stress to discuss another important topic which became topical for me with the sudden death of a colleague. I was on my way to Kandy to attend our annual scientific [...]


The dark side of white

The dark side of white

Fuelled by a multi-million dollar industry, the South Asian obsession with fair skin is a beauty myth that needs to be busted� By Smriti Daniel Why do so many of us find fair skin desirable? Perhaps it is a subtle socio-economic indicator of class – only the wealthy can afford to stay out of the [...]


Nip it in the bud

Nip it in the bud

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world but screening and early detection can save lives By Kumudini Hettiarachchi Some have a “stalk”, others are sans stalks.�With or without a stalk that is visible to the naked eye, it is an indication that there is a malignancy, MediScene learns. This is why [...]


Unbeatable beet

By Roger Dobson Three cheers: A daily glass of beetroot juice can help lower blood pressure With its sweet, earthy taste and ruby-red interior, beetroot is a favourite of foodies, but there’s far more to it than that.�The majority of beetroot’s benefits stem from the unusually high levels of nitrates it contains – gram for [...]


Men, sex and diabetes

Many men who experience problematic erections suffer in silence because they postpone approaching their doctor. Although discussing your sex life may seem awkward to begin with, it is important to recognise that many doctors are familiar with issues regarding this topic, and there are doctors specially trained in managing sexual problems. By Dr. Lasantha Malavige [...]


Brain tumour: Not always a death sentence

By Dr. Ruvini Abeygunaratne Karunaratne The diagnosis of a brain tumour whether arising from brain matter itself or spreading from a tumour elsewhere in the body is devastating news. The impact on the patient’s prognosis is life altering. But although traditionally thought to be a death sentence, this may not always be the case. Traditionally [...]


Looking on the bright side to bring down cholesterol

By Anna Hodgekiss People with a sunny disposition are less likely to have high cholesterol, new research suggests.Middle-aged optimists were found to have better levels of ‘good’ cholesterol, which has a protective effect on the heart and helps cancel out ‘bad’ cholesterol. They also had lower levels of triglycerides, the fatty molecules involved in hardening [...]


Shake that salt habit

Shake that salt habit

March 11-17 is World Salt Awareness Week | After a century of study experts agree that there is direct link between high levels of sodium and high blood pressure By Dr. Anuji Gamage and Prof. Rohini De A. Seneviratne Salt has been a highly valued commodity for centuries. In the 14th century, in certain markets [...]

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