Bank of Ceylon- Bankers to the Nation enables rubber industry
View(s):Rubber is one of the three main export crops in our country. At present, Sri Lanka produces 150,000 metric tons of rubber per month. The income received from export of rubber in 2010 was Rs. 83,224 Millions (USD 736 Millions). Observations since 2004 have revealed that the income gained from rubber production has been increasing continuously. It is from the rubber produced by the small rubber estate owners that we earn up to 65% of the foreign exchange earned from rubber exports.
![]() Mr Senarath Bandara- Deputy General Manager- Product and Development Banking Division |
![]() Mr W A C Tissera - Assistant General Manager - Product and Development Banking Division |
The first ever loan scheme introduced to small scale rubber estate owners by the “Thurusaviya Fund” and Bank of Ceylon-Bankers to the Nation has been titled “Thurusaviya Loan Scheme”. It is with great pleasure the Bank of Ceylon introduces this loan scheme for the benefit of small scale rubber estate owners. This loan scheme was initiated with a limited time period under the patronage of General Manger, Mr D M Gunasekara, and BOC Corporate Management. The MOU for the above loan scheme was signed recently at the Ministry of Plantation. The National programme to educate on the loan scheme was held on after that, at BOC Head office.
BOC Product and Development Banking Deputy General Manager, Mr Senarath Bandara, Assistant General Manager, Mr W A C Tissera, President- “Thurusaviya”Fund, Mr G P C Premaratne, Provincial Deputy Director( Kalutara)- Rubber Development Department, Mr Janaka Perera, Director- “Thurusaviya”Fund, Mrs Kumari Wimalasooriya, and “Thurusaviya” coordinating officers, District level Thurusaviya office bearers, BOC Area Managers, Branch managers and Credit officers were present at the programme.

Mr W A C Tissera - Assistant General Manager- BOC Product and Development Banking, Mr Janaka Perera- Provincial Deputy Director( Kalutara)- Rubber Development Department, Mr G P C Premaratne - President- “Thurusaviya”Fund, Mr Senarath Bandara - Deputy General Manager- BOC Product and Development Banking, Mrs Kumari Wimalasooriya - Director- “Thurusaviya” Fund and Mr G H Wickramasinghe - Assistant General Manager- BOC Credit Card Division were present at the programme head table. (From Left in the picture)
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