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If resolution is not implemented, US may push for punitive action

Geneva drama shakes Indian government also; it tried to toughen the draft to please the DMK, but failed Pakistan works hard to win the support of Islamic countries for government, but our own EAM still indulging in DPL harakiri By Our Political Editor Perhaps never before has a resolution at the UN Human Rights Council [...]
5th Column
Et tu, India?

My Dear Manmohan, I thought I must write to you when I heard that your country has voted against Sri Lanka at the United Nations again, while your countrymen are engaging in their favourite pastime of bashing Sri Lankans-even Buddhist monks-who visit your country. Whenever this type of event happens-which, these days, is quite often-we [...]
The Economic Analysis
Economic growth: Puzzles and paradoxes over pluses

For quite some time the country’s economic growth statistic has been greeted with scepticism. There have been inconsistencies and contradictions that have made it difficult to accept the official estimates as accurate. In 2011 the growth figure was trotted out even before the year was out. Interestingly, the figure given before the data was collected [...]
From the sidelines
US has its way in a divided Human Rights Council

The vote on the US-led resolution on Sri Lanka at the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council produced a predictable outcome, not very different in terms of numbers from the result in 2012, when a similar resolution was adopted. This time it was 25 in favour, 13 against, and eight abstentions – just one [...]
Focus on Rights
Towards international isolation, old Myanmar style

When the world loses respect for Sri Lanka, certain consequences follow. Some may be minute and some graver but all are relatively unprecedented when assessed against the manner in which this country was once viewed in the community of nations. We invite contempt from outside This week, a visiting Canadian Member of Parliament’s insouciant remark [...]
Live telecast of expunged unparliamentary conduct and iPad, laptop use in House contested
Speaker faults Finance Ministry officials for delay in submitting related Bills of 2013 Budget proposals By Chandani Kirinde, Our Lobby Correspondent Whether Parliamentary proceedings should be telecast Live and should the use of electronic gadgets such as laptops and iPads, within the Chambers, be regulated, was hotly debated in the House last Thursday, after the [...]
Talk at the Cafe Spectator
‘Acting’ President Priyankara on cloud nine

The opening of the Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (MRIA) last Monday made him so ecstatic. At the nationally televised event, Aviation Minister Priyankara Jayaratne said the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) in Katunayake was not international. It was the MRIA which had all the attributes of an international airport. He had reason to be so bubbly. [...]