Ca mbio Research Lab @ UCSC
View(s):The Board Members of the Cambio Healthcare Systems AB lead by the Chairman of the board Mr Göran Persson visited University of

Mr Göran Persson Chairman, Cambio Healthcare Systems opening the lab
Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) to ceremonially open the Cambio Research Lab of the UCSC on the 25th of March 2013. Cambio Healthcare Systems AB formally handed over 40 Computers to the UCSC. Chairman of the Cambio Healthcare Systems, Mr Göran Persson is a former Prime Minister of Sweden (1996 – 2006) and other board members included CEO Tomas Mora-Morrison, CFO Niklas Berglund and Chief of Software Engineering Göran Skold. Dr. Sunil Jayantha Nawarathna, Secretary Ministry of Higher Education and Prof. Kshinika Hirimburegama, Chairperson, University Grant Commission also graced the occasion.
Cambio Healthcare Systems is one of the largest companies in Sweden in the field of healthcare administration systems and a leading player within the European market, with about 95,000 users in general and university hospitals, primary care clinics and specialist units. They have a staff of about 300 employees, who work in their offices in Linköping & Stockholm, Sweden; Reading, UK and Colombo, Sri Lanka.
After evaluating many countries, Cambio selected Sri Lanka as the place to house the Software Engineering division based on many factors such as availability of skilled IT staff and cost of operations. Today they have over 200 Employees in Sri Lanka of which over 25% of the staff is from the University of Colombo School of Computing.
As such it is considered a great honor to gift the Cambio Research Lab to the UCSC as the most significant human resource contributor of the IT industry in Sri Lanka and thereto provide the students an opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge enabling to them have successful careers in the IT industry.
Prof. Gihan Wikramanayake referring to many Swedish funded projects at the UCSC, thanked Cambio Healthcare Systems for setting up the lab to further strengthen research. Two recent award winning research projects of the UCSC were presented to the gathering.
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