Hitting the outdoors with BootCamp

Duvindi Illankoon discovers that exercising doesn’t always have to be boring Being told to get down on your stomach on a rather muddy turf at 7am on a Saturday morning might not be everyone’s cup of tea. After all, sitting comfortably in one’s own kitchen with an actual cup of tea seems far more enticing! [...]
UN Club of STC promises an ‘Xtaztic’ show
By Duvindi Illankoon Xtaztic, the annual fundraiser of S. Thomas College Mt. Lavinia’s UN Club will be held on April 11 at the CR&FC Grounds for the 8th consecutive year. This is the first time the previously indoor event will be held in an outdoor setting with some exciting new add-ons to the annual extravaganza [...]
Vacationing with elephants

For the volunteers of an elephant conservation programme in Sri Lanka, the experience has been a humbling one… For Erin McClory and her family, elephants were the company they sought on their first family holiday in 15 years. “My mom volunteered with monkeys in South Africa last year, and decided she wanted to do a [...]
TinieTempah set to headline | Electric Peacock Festival 2013

Organisers of the Electric Peacock festival have announced TinieTempah – famous hip-hop and rap artist, will take center stage as the festival’s headliner – act at the upcoming Electric Peacock lineup on Saturday, April 27, 2013 in Colombo. “This is a huge first for Sri Lanka,” said Leah Bazalgette, Co-founder of the festival, “he is [...]
Harmonious sounds
As part of the ‘Year of Faith’ celebrations, St. Cecila’s Choir of S. Joseph’s College teamed up with the renowned Assens Boys Choir of Denmark , to perform at ‘Anno Fidei’- a school concert to celebrate this season in harmony and brotherhood. His Eminence, Archbishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, together with the Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency Rt. Rev. Dr.Joseph Spiteri, graced [...]