J’pura Uni to add Digital Marketing course with Ogilvy help
View(s):Sri Lanka’s Sri Jayawadenapura University recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to add a mandatory Digital Marketing course to its Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management degree track. The course will be formulated, designed and developed by the digital arm of advertising agency Phoenix Ogilvy. In addition, senior specialists from the agency will also join guest lecturers from Google’s local office in teaching this course.

Prof. Sampath Amaratunga
According to an announcement by MOU signatory Neo@Ogilvy; “The course in Digital Marketing will become mandatory to final year students in the faculty of Management Studies and Commerce. It will expose the students to the different components of Digital Marketing ranging from digital advertising, social media management and digital influence on CRM”.
Further, Neo@Ogilvy Chairman Irvin Weerackody was also quoted as stating; “Digital and Social Media have taken the world by storm and, there is hardly anyone who could escape this stark reality. With all the developments in mass media, still the interpersonal communication or simply put the ‘Word of Mouth’ is considered the most effective and most powerful. Now what we see and what has really happened is this word of mouth acquiring a fascinating technological garb – in other words, word of mouth clothed in fascinating technology… Digital will continue to transform the way we do business – the way we buy, the way we sell, the way we learn, the way we teach and the way the world is. Five years ago, our digital penetration in this country was around 5 per cent. Now it stands at 15 per cent and it continues to grow”.

Irvin Weerackody
Prof. Sampath Amaratunga, Dean of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, Sri Jayawardenapura University said, “This development is a significant academic recognition of the latest technological development in the field of Digital Marketing and making this knowledge available to student community.”
Additionally, the following comments made by Rohan Jayaweera, Country Consultant Google, at the MOU signing were also highlighted; “The country’s Internet penetration is growing exponentially and the impact of this and the marketing strategies will be profound. Sri Lanka’s business community has evolved within the digital marketing space over a span of just two years. This is an exciting time for our students because they will be exposed to learning’s and situations. Digital marketing curriculum will open tremendous opportunities in the future”.
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