“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.” Colin Powell The world we live in is scarred by many problems. Poverty, hunger, climate change, economic recessions, religious genocide….. the list seems endless. The root causes of these problems have been discussed [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Model United Nations (SLMUN) 2013; the Whirlwind of Diplomacy and Change


“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.”
Colin Powell

The world we live in is scarred by many problems. Poverty, hunger, climate change, economic recessions, religious genocide….. the list seems endless. The root causes of these problems have been discussed at parliaments, conferences, summit meetings and even the U.N with the aim of finding solutions. Debate and discussion is constantly used as tools of change. Words of great leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Mahathma Gandhi, Winston Churchill shook the world and united countries for the better or for the worse. This is why Colin Powell draws a straight link between debate and great leaders.

With the aim of creating such examples of leadership through debate, diplomacy and decision making, Sri Lanka Model United Nations was born. SLMUN initiated as Simulation SAARC in 2005; the very first of its caliber in Sri Lanka. With time Simulation SAARC was renamed as SLMUN. This year we will be organizing the 6th annual conference of SLMUN which would be held at Water’s Edge, Battaramulla from the 5th to the 7th of August.

SLMUN has grown through the years; attracting thousands of delegates not only from the four corners of Sri Lanka but also from countries such as India, Pakistan and Vietnam. This has given SLMUN the ranking as Asia’s largest student –run simulation. The nature of debate too has expanded to include pressing issues from around the world. SLMUN 2012 which operated under the theme of “Conflict and Crisis Management” was what can be defined as nothing less than a memorable experience of true diplomacy. The committees that operate in SLMUN too has changed in nature and grown in number. In 2012 we introduced the Crisis Committee; the first ever of its kind.

What is the purpose of SLMUN you may ask? Sri Lanka Model United Nations provides a platform for students all over Sri Lanka to voice out their opinions regarding various issues that encompass the globe, while exercising and cultivating their skills in leadership and diplomacy. We believe a conference of this nature bears the potential of launching the careers of several diplomats and gives the youth the opportunity to be actively involved in discussing and attempting to solve prevalent crises around the world. This will prepare them to better face global issues which they will inherit from their predecessors. Students will also learn the skills of leadership and compromise in a practical and well moderated environment which revolves around the principles of professional social service.

SLMUN 2013 can be guaranteed to be nothing less than a bigger and better MUN experience. Operating under a timely theme of “Equality and Tolerance” SLMUN 2013 wishes to unite students from across the island, at a common ground to discuss pressing issues and arrive at solutions through diplomacy, debate and discussion while putting aside lingual, geographic and other barriers. SLMUN 2013 contains 12 committees out of which 3 committees are operating in the Sri Lankan MUN arena for the very first time. Register before it is too late to become part of something bigger i.e common humanity. Visit our official website www.slmun.org for more details.

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