Hitting it off with yellow
View(s):Duvindi Illankoon looks at what inspires young designer Ramona Oshini Jayawardena who made a splash at the recently concluded Colombo Fashion Week
The landmark 10th anniversary year of Colombo Fashion Week starred the rising young Alexander McQueens and Marc Jacobs of the region-with its youth centric theme coming to the fore. Ramona Oshini, a staple at the show since 2010, was one such young designer with her collection walking the ramp. Her fabulous yellow creations inspired by the ehela flower were an instant success; eye catching, cutting edge and more importantly-highly wearable. They stole the show on Day 2.

Ramona: Inspired by the Ehela flower. Pic by Indika Handuwala
Ramona Oshini Jayawardena whiled away her fashion-struck younger years at St. Bridget’s Convent and Colombo International School (CIS). “My design inspiration would have to be my mother,” she smiles. “From my small days she loved matching my clothes and I guess it kind of stuck!” She studied Art and Design at CIS, compounding that with five years of study in London.
In Europe’s fashion capital Ramona found plenty of inspiration, studying at the prestigious London College of Fashion and University College of Creative Art for her BA in Fashion, revelling in her new found freedom. “If there’s one thing I loved about London, it was embracing my independence,” she says. “You learn a lot-and of course meeting up and coming designers had a great impact.”
She returned in 2007, working a stint as a lingerie designer for M&S and BHS accounts at MAS Intimates. Of her time at MAS she says- “MAS taught me the technical aspect of designing, and that more than anything gave me the confidence I needed to launch my own label.” In 2010, Ramona sauntered into the public eye on the ramps of Colombo Fashion Week; a definitive moment for any fashion designer. The Ramona Oshini label proved to be wildly popular with several retail outlets offering her the opportunity to showcase her brand at their stores. Now 29, Ramona has settled into a comfortable association with Melache, with whom she enjoys a mutually beneficial relationship agreeable to both parties.
This year was her fourth consecutive year at CFW. “Every year it’s a challenge and you have to prove your talent to be a part of it,” she says of the tough and very competitive race to present at the show. This year her collection was inspired by the ehela flower; also known as the Golden Shoe Flower, it’s in full bloom at this time of the year. Moreover, the deep yellows of the blossoms bring her joy, she adds. “Yellow is my favourite colour. It’s also a big colour trend for Spring/Summer 2013, so I found the ehela flower to be a great source of inspiration.”
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Ramona favours distinctly luxurious fabrics for her collections, choosing varying shades of crepe silks to pure silks and chiffons to create a ‘dreamlike’ illusion. “We design with the local woman in mind so that the silhouettes are flattering to all our clients. There is something for everyone, so every woman can feel and look beautiful and elegant in our creations.”
A firm believer in a design ethic, she makes it a point to present a staggering six collections every year-three each of main and mini collections. While her designs vary from corporate wear to casual, and smart casual, her forte, she remarks, is evening and occasion wear.
While she hopes to expand her brand, ‘maybe into bridal wear’, her plans for the future include the perennial hope of breaking into the international market. With four consecutive years at the Colombo Fashion Week Ramona Oshini’s star is definitely shining bright.
Our cover this week and the model pictured left (in black dress) were photographed by Jehan D. Adahan ( DIDGITAL RETOUCHING www.shadowillusionist.com).The make up and hair were by Enoka Wijetunge of “Salon Dudette” .
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