Funday Times
Talented Club Member

Yasaswi D. Almeida was awarded First Place in Spoken English (Initial) for the examinations conducted in 2012 by the Wendy Whatmore Academy of Speech and Drama at the prize giving held on April 6, 2013.
Funday Times
Kids’ World
My pet My pet is a cat. Its name is Black Because he is black I love my little cat. It likes to drink milk It likes to eat fish It likes to play ball It loves me very much Kusalya Fernando (Grade 4), St. Bridget’s Convent Myself My name is Brithiyangara. I am six years [...]
Funday Times
Workshop for Young Readers

Funday Times, together with the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), organized a workshop for Young Readers on April 25, 2013 at the Sri Lanka Press Institute auditorium. The workshop, conducted by Dr. Gerard van der Weijden, was attended by 63 participants between 10 – 13 years. The kids had an interesting morning with [...]
Funday Times
Win! Win! Win! Super books from Vijitha Yapa Bookshop
9 years and below | Write not more than 150 words on ‘What I can do to make my mother happy’ Mr Twiddle Fetches Polly by Enid Blyton Mr Twiddle is a loveable old gentleman who often makes a muddle. He forgets everything, continually falls over the cat and drops off to sleep as soon [...]