Deshamanya Rohan Dayaratna was recently honoured with the Jothishyavedi Vidyanadi honorary title. Ven Bellana Shri Ganawimala of Kotte Kalyana Smashri Maha Sangha Sabhawa is seen presenting Deshamanaya Dayaratna with the title. Mr. Dayaratna is an old boy of Ananda College, Colombo and has been an instructor of Aikdo and Karate. Follow @timesonlinelk

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Jothishyavedi Vidyanadi honorary title


Deshamanya Rohan Dayaratna was recently honoured with the Jothishyavedi Vidyanadi honorary title. Ven Bellana Shri Ganawimala of Kotte Kalyana Smashri Maha Sangha Sabhawa is seen presenting Deshamanaya Dayaratna with the title. Mr. Dayaratna is an old boy of Ananda College, Colombo and has been an instructor of Aikdo and Karate.

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