Indicator boards on the roadside are meant to ensure the smooth flow of traffic. But the boards put up under the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway Project tend to do just the opposite. One tiny board announces the bus halt has been moved 100 metres ahead. But both bus drivers and commuters pay no heed to this and buses [...]


Illegible directions and traffic blocks


Indicator boards on the roadside are meant to ensure the smooth flow of traffic. But the boards put up under the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway Project tend to do just the opposite. One tiny board announces the bus halt has been moved 100 metres ahead. But both bus drivers and commuters pay no heed to this and buses continue to stop at the original halt.

“Some signs are even written using coloured pens while in others the font sizes used are too small and illegible. If the signs are to be displayed in all three languages they should be much larger. These signs are meaningless, useless and cause more traffic blocks”, said a driver K. Bandara.

Anura Gamage, a van driver complained that the warning signs were too needed to be well ahead and not at the point of turn off or at the road concerned. “One such is the sign asking motorists to take Nuge Road to enter the Negombo Road. It is put up too near to the turn off,” he said.

Sun and rain have taken toll of this hand-written board making it illegible

The trunk road connecting the Kandy and Negombo Roads has been blocked off due to construction of the Colombo-Katunayake Highway.

These two boards sit almost at the turn-off itself and cause a build-up of traffic as drivers struggle to make the detour to turn onto the Negombo road

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