PATHE Study Medicine is the leader in Sri Lankan medical education industry. PATHE Study Medicine offers multiple options for students who are interested in joining the noble Medical profession. Over the past few years PATHE Study Medicine has placed many students successfully in world recognized Medical Universities. Hundreds of students who returned have passed the [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

SLMC recognized European Medical Degree

Study and work in USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia

PATHE Study Medicine is the leader in Sri Lankan medical education industry. PATHE Study Medicine offers multiple options for students who are interested in joining the noble Medical profession. Over the past few years PATHE Study Medicine has placed many students successfully in world recognized Medical Universities. Hundreds of students who returned have passed the ERPM (Former ACT 16) examination test successfully, while many other students are practicing overseas.

SLMC Recognized European Medical Degree

Vitebsk State Medical University (VSMU) is one of the most famous government (state) medical universities in Belarus, located in the Eastern part of Europe. Vitebsk State Medical University was founded in November 1934 and started enrolling foreign students in 1981. Since then more than 1250 foreign students, including over 150 from Sri Lanka have graduated from here. Presently more than 5000 students, both local and foreign, including over 200 Sri Lankan students admitted by PATHE Study Medicine, are studying her e. Vitebsk – Belarus is an ideal place to live in a good climate and living nature to acquire a worldwide accepted Medical qualification. This university has become the prime choice of many Sri Lankan students because of its High quality education, affordable living and education cost.

Recognition of VSMU

Medical universities should fulfill certain basic criteria to be recognized by the overseas Medical Councils. These criteria include the duration of the program, the curriculum, staff and facilities in the university, teaching hospitals, and the location of the university. Vitebsk State Medical University (VSMU) surpasses all those criteria with flying colors. Further, VSMU has some world class facilities which are highly commendable and not available for students in certain developing countries. In Sri Lanka, SLMC (Sri Lanka Medical Council) is the only body which recognizes the foreign medical degrees and the medical graduates. Its recognition allows the medical graduates to sit for the qualifying examination called ERPM (Examination for Registration to Practice Medicine in Sri Lanka).

Our medical graduates secured high marks in Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) ERPM (Examination for Registration to Practice Medicine) These medical doctors have shown the value of high quality, English medium Medical education by passing the ERPM examination in the first attempt.

PATHE congratulates these graduates for their high achievement, which is a mandatory requirement to gain registration to practice Medicine in Sri Lanka.

Truly Affordable Medical Education

PATHE Study Medicine provides an unmatched student support system includingStudent Visa, University Admission, Student housing, Airport pickup and transportation,and host of other support services which gives a relief for most parents who needs anassurance with their child’s future education. Today PATHE Study Medicine is the onlyprovider with on-site Sri Lankan staff that can assist students and parents. All these areprovided at an affordable cost for many Sri Lankan students and parents.

The moderatetuition fees combined with affordable living cost makes PATHE Study Medicine theNo.1 choice for students seeking high quality education.

For Admissions and More Information

PATHE Study Medicine invites to Students and Parents to visit our office at 111 ½ Maya Avenue,Colombo 6 to obtain more information. Students and parents can also call 0777 662233in order to obtain more information about the unique Medical education opportunitiesoffered by PATHE Study Medicine.

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