When all fails, LPSN

With a first under his scalpel, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr. Dhammike Silva discusses laparoscopic pre-sacral neurectomy that has taken keyhole surgery to a new level in Sri Lanka while giving relief to a woman who had suffered intense lower abdominal pain for years. For four long years, she suffered. The episodes came and went [...]
Migraine: 7 things you must know
How is a migraine different from a simple headache? What are the phases a migraine sufferer goes through? What can you change about your lifestyle to help manage your symptoms? This month on MediScene, Dr. Thashi Chang, a Senior Lecturer and Neurologist at the Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Colombo walks us through 7 [...]
Fears and forgetfulness

This week Dr. Hanwella takes a break from his series on coping with stress to answer some questions posed by readers of this column Mr. DA from Homagama writes: “I am a 75 year-old retired public servant. I tremble with fear when I climb steps or a ladder. I fear to go near the balcony [...]
Live: Pioneering medical operations

Kumudini Hettiarachchi reports on ‘biodegradable’ stenting, renal de-nervation (RDN) and Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) Closure procedure that were performed for the first time in Sri Lanka at Durdans Hospital and relayed to an international conference in Colombo simultaneously Two sites across town but many interactive “live” medical procedures, believed to be firsts in Sri Lanka. With [...]
A jab to fight Influenza

Influenza is a viral infection often presenting as a “flu” like illness and is considered a major public health problem. It spreads rapidly in the community especially among children, elderly people and high risk groups such as pregnant women and health care workers. Children manifest the highest rates of illness. However, severe morbidity and mortality [...]
Antidotes to gloom as you step into late 80s!

Mark Twain is reported to have said that old age is a question of mind over matter – “If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” But how on earth can you not mind if you find yourself getting physically more dependent on others and therefore feeling more insecure and vulnerable? I wasn’t doing too badly [...]
Dog owners have a healthier heart

Dog owners have healthier hearts than people who don’t have pets, research suggests. And those who already have cardiac problems may be more likely to survive if they have the companionship of a pet. The American Heart Association reviewed studies from around the world and concluded pet ownership, particularly dog ownership, ‘is probably associated with a decreased [...]
Memory: When the filing goes awry

If you think about it, you will see how what we remember is at the heart of how we understand ourselves, connect with others, negotiate the world and even earn a living. Yet, exactly how memory works is a matter of some debate – specialists use metaphors of filing cabinets and supercomputers to illustrate their [...]