The Sri Lanka Schools Rugby Football Association (SLSRFA) launched an inquiry this week into the incident that took place at the Singer Under-20 Schools Rugby match between Royal and Isipathana Colleges, at the Royal Complex on Saturday (May 18). The inquiry was held before 10 SLSRFA officials, including four vice presidents of the association and [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Video of eye gouging screened; Referee, Principals summoned for next meeting

SLSRFA stage inquiry into Royal-Pathana incident

The Sri Lanka Schools Rugby Football Association (SLSRFA) launched an inquiry this week into the incident that took place at the Singer Under-20 Schools Rugby match between Royal and Isipathana Colleges, at the Royal Complex on Saturday (May 18).
The inquiry was held before 10 SLSRFA officials, including four vice presidents of the association and members of its disciplinary and tournament committees at St. John’s College Nugegoda on Wednesday (22).

Sources close to the Schools’ Rugby Football Association told the Sunday Times that as the schools rugby governing body, they had taken statements from the masters-in-charge of both colleges and had played extracts of video footage from the match.

The Royal players walked out off in the 59th minute of play when the scores were level at 20-all alleging Isipathana players were endangering their players with foul play. As the Royal players were walking off the field, the referee awarded a penalty to Isipathana (as the Royal skipper had deliberately kicked the ball off the field) from which the ‘Pathana boys took a short tap and scored unchallenged under the post. The try was converted. The referee awarded the goal to Isipathana and the score moved to 27-20.

Shortly thereafter, the Principal of Royal College awarded the game to Isipathana on the grounds that the safety of the Royal players

A video grab from the incident-marred Schools rugby match clearly shows a player from Isipathana planting a kick on a Royal player from behind.

was at risk.

The Schools Rugby Association inquiry was the result of a protest made by Royal College who complained about player safety, the future of the game and the footage of the video clip justifying their walking out of the game.

According to an official, the video footage clearly proves the incompetence of the referee, Pradeep Fernando who controlled the match. Besides, there were a number of undetected punches by some Isipathana players. The video also explains how the referee overlooks two tries posted by Royal. It had transpired at the preliminary inquiry that the referee had given verbal warnings to a number of players without taking firm control of the game, causing the game to become more physical despite both touch judges bringing such incidents to the referee’s notice.

The official told the Sunday Times that the Schools Rugby Association will meet again on Tuesday (May 28) to continue their probe. They have sent notices to the Principals of both schools, the referee Pradeep Fernando and Dinka Peiris, the Secretary of the Rugby Referees Society of Sri Lanka (SLRRS) for this meeting.

Secretary of the Referees Society, Dinka Peiris said “It is the Schools section that has to conduct the inquiries on what occurs at one of their matches. However the referee of the match Pradeep Fernando and I have been requested to attend a meeting on Tuesday and we are hoping to be there”.

He added that “if it is proven that the referee had not acted properly the Referees Society will have to take their own decision”.
In so far as player discipline is concerned, it is the Schools Rugby Association that will have to suspend any player who would have been proven of assault and breached the rules.

The Royal College delegation to the preliminary inquiry complained that their players were subjected to punches, kicks and gouging of eyes (please see page 7 of ST 2 section) that show the International Rugby Board sanctions for players violating the rugby rules during a match.

“The issue is more complicated than it appears. There is a side which claims their opponents threw punches at them and after nearly three quarters (of the match) they decided to walk out. Then there is the other side who says they are innocent when footage shows otherwise. Rugby is a full-contact game but what was seen in the video is unacceptable. Of course the Royal team do not have the authority to walk out of a game but then there is a fair argument by what their officials claim on player safety. Isipathana did remain on the field and were willing to continue but there are many areas that need to be addressed when a match ended in a way to be continued in the form of a series of inquiries,” one of the participants at the inquiry said.

In addition, it is also learnt, that there had been a communication barrier between the referees and players of both sides as the referee at certain points failed to clearly convey the message.

Commenting on what took place at the inquiry, Isipathana College rugby Master-in-Charge, Wasantha Kumara, alleged that Royal, from the start had intended to walk out of the match and were not keen in competing.

“The game was fast moving and of course there were a few spots that the referee missed involving players from both sides. At points when the referee spotted a breach he warned (the players) and there were two occasions when one of our player’s was yellow carded and a penalty was awarded to Royal. Other than that, there were six match officials altogether, including the field referees, but none of them reported any incident. We thoroughly deny the allegation that our players threw punches at them,” Kumara stated.

Royal College rugby Master-in-Charge Anura Wanigasekera, commenting on the on-field incidents and inquiry proceedings, stated that as a rugby-playing school they do not condone the punching which was amply proven via the video footage.

“The Isipathana Master-in-Charge alleged that what was shown on video was ‘doctored’. We did an edited version for the inquiry and after those who were present saw it they were shocked. The SLSRFA and SLRRS have asked us to provide a copy each for them for thorough observation and we will make sure to give them the unedited full video and the edited footage as soon as possible,” Wanigasekera said.

After taking all points into consideration, the SLSRFA will issue a final verdict next Saturday (June 1) in Kandy where all their officials will meet. Meanwhile, the Media Unit of Royal College has posted the video footage of the incident on YouTube. According to the video clip Isipathana Nos. 3, 16 and 12 are clearly seen engaged in foul play.

Isipathana are currently last in the Division A group of the Schools Rugby League and another defeat would mean that they can get relegated to Division 1B next year.


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