The Career Fair and Career Guidance Programme organized by Organizational Heads’ and Staff Officers’ Forum of Kekirawa –KOHSOF (Well known in Kekirawa as SANSADAYA) was held on 18th May, 2013 with the aim of sharing career guidance with the youth at Kekirawa. It was held at Kekirawa Cultural Centre and the North Central provincial Council [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

The 1st “Career Fair, 2013” at Kekirawa was a huge success..


The Career Fair and Career Guidance Programme organized by Organizational Heads’ and Staff Officers’ Forum of Kekirawa –KOHSOF (Well known in Kekirawa as SANSADAYA) was held on 18th May, 2013 with the aim of sharing career guidance with the youth at

The Chief Guest along with the members of Sansadaya at the opening ceremony

Kekirawa. It was held at Kekirawa Cultural Centre and the North Central provincial Council minister and the provincial organizer of Sri Lanka Freedom Party, Hon.Weerasena Gamage was invited as the chief guest to grace the occasion. AGA of Kekirawa Mr.A.S.Bandara, Members of SANSADAYA, representative of Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. and representatives of IPM were invited as special guests.
SANSADAYA is a “non-profit” association which is comprised of Heads of Public Sector and Private sector Organizations in Kekirawa. The consultation and facilitation role of “Career Fair and Career Guidance Programme, 2013” was played by the “Consultancies, Corporate Affairs and Career Guidance Committee” Of IPM- Sri Lanka.
The Career Fair was declared open by the guests, lighting the traditional oil lamp. Welcoming the high profile participants to the programme, the president of SANSADAYA Mr. K.B. Hettiarachchi said “this programme provides opportunities to the youth at Kekirawa to get information and guidance in vocational education for the success of their career.”

More than ten stalls from leading institution provided services and assistance at the fair where the youth gathered much valuable information.

Audience at the workshop

The chief guest Mr.Weerasena Gamage stated “most of the youth complain that they do not have job opportunities but the real fact is different. We have enough vacancies in both government and private sectors however the present society does not have capable individuals who are ready to face challenges. Kekirawa

Career Fair Entrance

youths are fortunate to experience such a unique programme at their foot step. We hope this programme will be an eye-opener for all of the enthusiastic youth to plan their career”.

The career guidance programme featured three key speakers one from Wijeya Newsdpapers and two from IPM. The workshop saw an impressive participation representing from various villages of Kekirawa.

Registration Table

The purpose of this the Career Fair is in pursuance of service to the society, to uplift the living standards of unemployed youth and give the right guidance to plan their careers as well as higher education which is a deficient in this area. The intention was succeeded at this first Career Fair and they hope to conduct this programme as an annual event of SANSADAYA.

SANSADAYA is a “non-profit” association which is comprised of Heads of Public Sector and Private sector Organizations in Kekirawa. The consultation and facilitation role of “Career Fair and Career Guidance Programme, 2013” was played by the “Consultancies, Corporate Affairs and Career Guidance Committee” Of IPM- Sri Lanka.

SANSADAYA is a “non-profit” association which is comprised of Heads of Public Sector and Private sector Organizations in Kekirawa. The consultation and facilitation role of “Career Fair and Career Guidance Programme, 2013” was played by the “Consultancies, Corporate Affairs and Career Guidance Committee” Of IPM- Sri Lanka. The Career Fair was declared open by the guests, lighting the traditional oil lamp. Welcoming the high profile participants to the programme, the president of SANSADAYA Mr.K.B.Hettiarachchi said “this programme provides opportunities to the youth at Kekirawa to get information and guidance in vocational education for the success of their career.”

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