It’s twenty all the SLSRFA decide
The Sunday Times learns that the Disciplinary Committee of Sri Lanka Schools Rugby Football Association (SLSRFA) had made its final verdict yesterday in Kandy on the incident that took place during the Singer Schools Under-20 Division I ‘A’ rugby match between Royal and Isipathana Colleges which was played on May 18. According to official sources of SLSRFA the official report will be made public tomorrow by the head of the Disciplinary Committee, Mr. Ranjith Chandrasekera who is also the head of SLSRFA.

The SLSRFA have put the blame squarely on the referee. (Pic Amila Gamage)
At the final inquiry which took place in Kandy the Committee has seriously discussed on the manner the referee handled the game and has expressed their discontent. However since the Sri Lanka Rugby Referees’ Society (SLRRS) already handed a one year ban on Pradeep Fernando, the referee who controlled the game the Committee had expressed its appreciation to the Referee’s body. In addition to Fernando, both touch judges of the game were slapped with a ban of one month each. It is believed that SLSRFA is most likely to acknowledge the decision of SLRRS with an official letter.
In addition the Committee also is believed to have amended the final outcome of the game to 20-all, from its standing result of 27-20 in favour of Isipathana. Moreover it is learnt that the Committee had requested Isipathana College the authorities to take appropriate disciplinary action against alleged members of their first XV rugby team.
The Royal College first XV team who staged a walk-out during the 59th minute of the game, after alleging that Isipathana players threw punches on them, however will walk free after its Principal had issued an official letter to the SLSRFA explaining decision to do so. It is believed that the Royal Principal had taken sole responsibility of the team’s walk-out stating that he was prompted to call the team out after considering the safety of players. The SLSRFA Committee is said to have accepted the explanation from Royal College principal. The official letter from SLSRFA which will be drafted and issued tomorrow may include additional decisions that they have already arrived at.
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