Home » ColumnsWhat are ‘anti-national’ criticisms exactly?

In what precise manner can a fantastically unethical Government prescribe a Code of Ethics for the media? This is a highly relevant question given recent bombastic claims by the Government Spokesman that a draft Bill on Media Ethics is being circulated prior to implementation. State media devoid of ethics This Government has proved itself to [...]
Rajapaksa takes major gamble on NPC issues

Cabinet to take vital decision this week on Constitutional amendments JHU, NFF insist on changes, SLMC, TNA and Left parties oppose moves to weaken PC system Ahead of Pillay visit, President submits memo to incorporate 53 more LLRC recommendations to National Action Plan Internal fissures have prompted the Cabinet of Ministers to discuss again on [...]
Tainted ethics

My Dear Keheliya, I am writing to you because I thought I must do so soon. I heard that you are proposing a ‘Code of Ethics’ for the media and from what we have heard about this ‘code’, we may not be able to write anything at all, if you have your way! It is [...]
National Heritage Ministry: Caught but not out

Sri Lankans are cricket lovers and to most, the gentleman’s game is a second religion. They are glued to their television or radio sets when a game is under way and remember the names of players much the same way they recall their last meal. However, with all that, cricket is yet to become a [...]
Both sides playing media games

Any debate on media-freedom related issues in Parliament, almost always results in much finger pointing, but little agreement on how the independence and standards in the media within the country can be maintained and strengthened. Ruling party MPs see all the vices associated with the media being committed by organisations that are privately owned, while [...]
Middle-income trap or debt trap?

Is the Sri Lankan economy caught in a “Middle Income Trap”? Some economists have put forward the hypothesis that when a country achieves middle income level there are inherent reasons that trap the economy from further growth. It provides an “explanation” for slow economic growth after a spell of rapid growth. Is Sri Lanka’s economic [...]
Northern election and the TNA’s new pragmatism

In their deliberations relating to the national question Sri Lankan political leaders would need to take note of an important message from the leader of a BJP delegation that just concluded a five day visit. Ravi Shankar Prasad, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha and leader of the Indian delegation said the [...]